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Everything posted by lilith

  1. Yes, I use simbrief. I'm quite aware they're not like cars, but good tail winds and a miscalculation on the conversion for fuel had me overweight on an approach for an alternative airport.
  2. Does the fuel dump function? If so, how do we use it? I'm 1.6 overweight for landing after fueling for a full tank and I'm trying to figure out how to dump some fuel. Cheers
  3. I hear an audible click each time it is pushed in and opening the left tank did invoke a caution. Showing the button in this screenshot. Sound and it did what it was supposed to. It's a rather peculiar thing. After watching a video from totoritko and seeing him run through the checklist, I thought I had it figured out. It must have been the DCU 1 and 2, but unfortunately that wasn't it. The see the CAS alerts for the tests, just no aural warnings with them except for the dedicated aural test 1 & 1 and TAWS. .
  4. Now that it was mentioned, I don't remember the last time I saw the master caution go off. They aren't pressed on either side and since it's a new airframe, I assume everything is in default positions, but I did verify and no switches stuck. It's a preculuar issue and the master caution thing really has me wondering. In the middle of a 6 hour flight, any tips on tripping the master to test if it's functioning as it should?
  5. Hello, I'm wondering if I untintentionally did something, but TAWS tests you will hear the aural sounds "PULL UP" and stuff, but as of late, I am not hearing "JET PIPE OVERHEAT" or "SMOKE" etc when running tests. Is there a way to reenable this? I tested on a new airframe, and it's the same problem. Appreciate some advice. Thank you. edit: I should mention the DCU1 and 2 are extinguished. Not sure if those would affect it.
  6. Update: I have no idea if this was a one time bug, but after going through everything over again, I flipped the master off and back on again and the AP started working. I know with I didn't turn it off and for this plane I have everything on the alpha\bravo disabled so that wasn't an accidental switch off. I'm sure it was some how my fault, but in case someone else runs into this despite everything looking A-OK, maybe this will help? Cheers
  7. Hello, I've had well over 100+ hours flight time in the 650 and looking for some help from anyone who may know what I'm overlooking? No matter what I do, after a flight to SFO, I cannot get the AP to engage. AP Disconnect is in, fms is setup, FD is doing it's thing and I can handfly the route. I use the audio checklist every single flight, so I'm not sure what I missed? I've been trying to look at the breakers to see if I hit something, but that wasn't it. VNAV and NAV are lit. Smooth sailing until now and I'm stumped. edit: FMS1 is already set ( should have mentioned that ) and IRS are aligned. Appreciate anyones help. Thank you!
  8. Cheers
  9. I've searched the forum, saw a breif question answered by someone with a real life video and I have searched the documentation in regards to this since the last flight I was getting low oil pressure warnings. I couldn't figure it out and didn't realize we had to manage the oil via the ground services sub menu. My question here, is it says to repeat the procedure for each engine, but how do you select what engine you're topping up? It also says on the placcard, it will light up full if I recall correctly and not to overfill, etc. I was hoping we could get a breif idea of this procedure for both engines? Will you be evetually switching it to an outside the plane job? I have about 100 hours of flying on the challenger and still learning. I skimmed the docs about oil, so I may have missed it if it's there. Fantastic job on this plane and you set the bar high for this level of realism in a flight sim and I thank you for that.
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