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Everything posted by D82

  1. D82

    DG 1001

    While I have a pause in developement I had to take due to some other business you can read an interview with me http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?14157-Interview-With-Jozef-Dubaj
  2. D82

    DG 1001

    Engine completed (with textures now). Can finally move to the cockpit. A short engine display video for you...
  3. D82

    DG 1001

    Currently still working on the engine. With finished propeller I decided to try how it will perform in xpl environment. I did capture a short video of the test (extension and start) . Everything went well so I may continue finishing the engine unit with details (hoses, screws, etc.). As usually more pictures of the engine can be found on my blog. Also I created a fb fun page http://www.facebook.com/XSoaring Regards, Jozef
  4. D82

    DG 1001

    Recorded short clip demonstrating implemented exterior animations (except rudder, didn't have a joy while recording)
  5. D82

    DG 1001

    Exterior model ready for animating...
  6. D82

    DG 1001

    Wings are done. So it is starting to look like a plane . And som WIP shots...
  7. D82

    DG 1001

    A small update. So far modeled: main fuselage shape, canopy, tail area.
  8. D82

    DG 1001

    M is a selflauncher. 1001 is newer refined 1000. It has inovated interiour and some new features. Nothing about 1001M? Tried the official DG site? The 1001M is the only selflauncher. Other engine equiped ones are not capable to roll and take of. Can use the engine during flight only.
  9. Hi, maybe some of you already know from my other posts. I started a project for DG 1001M glider. I'll be posting here brief updates time to time. More detailed ones you may found on the blog (in signature). For now I have done flight model that quite accurately follows desired speed polar. -Joe
  10. Ok i figured it myself I got the flight model finaly where I wanted. Even if it was not reached using exact math, knowing what's behind the scene made it easier.
  11. Thank for your replies. One more thing. I'm not sure how to add induced drag to overal. I know how to calculate the coeficient but not sure how to use it to calculate the drag produced. I guessing: - calculate overal drag of the wing (sum of drags produced by every segment) - calculate wings drag coeficient (Cd = 2*D/(rho*Vtas^2*Swing) - then add Cdi to Cd and back calculate the overal drag?
  12. Hello, how did you end up? Succeeded? I'm currently facing the same problem. Need to tune a glider speed polar. Did you somehow find how fuselage drag is calculated (added) to the overal plane's drag? -Joe
  13. Hi, may check x-glider.blogspot.com. Ongoing development of DG 1001M for the X-Plane there. Regards, Joe
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