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  1. Is there a preferred way to re-install the TBM9? There are multiple folders created so want to make sure I scrub it correctly. I'm having an issue where the plane flies perfectly, but when I finish flying, shut the aircraft down and quit xplane, I get a bluescreen on Win10. When I get back into Xplane, the TBM basically resets itself.. it creates a new airframe, forgets the control set I have assigned, and it assumes I am brand new pilot popping up the tutorial. I'm assuming it has something to do with writing the final logs to memorize the state of the aircraft. I don't have a log right now as it only happens after flying the TBM (if I just stay on the ground at the starting airport its fine). I would like to try a fresh re-install before going through the whole process of looking for plug-in and/or scenery conflicts.
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