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  1. Hi, I use XMidiCtrl. The 733 was very handy to find Datarefs values with the suffix act, thank you. My question is that I can't find some of the light knobs, I could control the light value, but it was really the light brightness value, which is separate from the knobs, an unlimited brightness. I would like some help on where to look to find these Datarefs. Thank you.
  2. But there's something I passed by. Is it 733 for XP12? If it is for XP12, it can be modified as follows.
  3. Folder name is different. You must install it in a folder that is labeled plus.
  4. I have physically removed almost all of the plugins, but this symptom persists. Maybe it's not a plugin issue. ' Let's talk about the environment where this is happening. I have Windows 11 Home, AMD CPU, Nvidia GPU.
  5. I don't know if it helps, but I'm attaching a screenshot including the plug-in window. If there is a reload process for an aircraft such as changing the airport even if it loads normally from X-Plane, the license failure will occur at a high probability.
  6. I'm here to talk about this, and I'm glad a lot of people are going through it besides me. This problem occurs randomly every time run X-Plane. If the problem occurs, the X-Plane should be turned on again until it runs properly. Hoping to help fix the bug, I'm not using Living Scenery Technology.
  7. X-Plane Loupedeck Demonstration and Profile Guide this video will help.
  8. Thanks for developing the fantastic plugin xmidictrl . I'm using Loupedeck, and in general it works very well. However, there is one difficulty when mapping midi commands. If I want to Command Mapping the N1 button, I have to give it a Velocity value of 127, a Delay of 150ms for the button animation, and a Velocity value of 0 for the button to pop out again. If command mapping is done with only the Velocity value of 127, The button is pressed continue. I can check the pressed state in the Dataref tool as well. For Loupedeck users, would be nice to be able to automatically add a velocity value of 0 either through a global setting or as a new mode value. Thank you.
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