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ND Nelson

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Everything posted by ND Nelson

  1. After updating the SR22 G1000 Series to v 1.3.0 I am experiencing video freeze ups for 3 - 5 seconds at approximately 5 minute intervals. This is in non VR mode (haven't tried VR). The audio continues during the freeze and the mouse pointer is also frozen. I have tried several different scenery locations and no settings have been changed prior to the upgrade from v1.2.2. This happens on both versions of the aircraft. No other aircraft is exhibiting this behavior. I tried to revert back to the previous version but those files are no longer available (and I stupidly failed to save the files from v 1.2.2). I have re-downloaded and installed v 1.3.0 to alleviate any file corruption issues but get the same results. Attached is the X-Plane log file from the event. X-Plane was shutdown immediately after the video was freed up. Do you have any suggestions? Thank You
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