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Everything posted by sumys

  1. Sure, my specification is i5 sandy bridge, 8gb RAM, GF 560Ti, Win7 64b. Indeed it was a problem. I removed custom genereted osm data scenery with autogen on totaly insane and ortofoto map. Now it works properly. Thank you very much for you help. Now I am looking forward to 64b version of Xplane.
  2. Same for me :-/ I have install CRJ on XP9 and XP10. XP10 doesnt show primary 2 displays. Registration went succesfully. Even when I deleted it from XP9, it still doesnt work right :-/ Sorry I never read license agreement or such a things. I will use it only on one XP version if it is a problem.
  3. Japo that is a pitty to hear it. I would like to really encourage you to carry on with CRJ. To have one flagship - entirely perfect like FSX users have their PMDG 737. I hoped that one day you would finish this beautifull aircraft with "no red text in the manual". For me, it is better to have one 100% simulated aircraft then three 90%. But I respect your decission to keep going with other projects. Anyway thumbs up for you and a big thank for all what you have done for the x-plane community.
  4. It was a joke about that boeing. Certainly I didn't want to be rude. BTW: I didn't write a word about their decision to postpone the project. Lack of personal contact and foreign language sometimes cause missunderstandings and I indeed apologize for it.
  5. sumys


    That is a good decision. CRJ is great. I've owned it for only one day but what a piece of art. But still many features missing compare to the e.g. pmdg's 737 NGX. Keep working and this will be the best aircraft in flightsim history ever. Thank you for your work.
  6. It's a must buy for me. I am just curious if you will try to do some Cessna's 152/172 because they are aircrafts that almost everyone has flown. Carenado's are so beautifull but unfortunatly don't fly like the real one.
  7. Don't waste your time here. If it's not boeing we're not going.
  8. wow, great work. I am only little puzzled about the "like a real thing" garmin 430/530. Now I am using one old plugin with connects x plane to the official garmin simulator. It works great but it would be nice to have it in 3D cokpit. What are opportunitis for us to have realistics garmin? XPreality?
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