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Everything posted by StippiPIC

  1. Hi there, i`m in the FBO, gone outside to the airplane, opened Airframe Manger, clicked "Edit Appearance, changed exter. reg. Mark like the way i want it to be, all fine. BUT, next time i started the same aircraft also in career mode, changes on exterior reg. marks lost and marks layout shown in default state again. How can i save may changes. Can`t see any specific "save-button" for this, cheers, Stefan
  2. Hi there, thank you for the prompt reaction. Pls find enclosed data incl Sensor windows. Again: Left tank is not full but HL light on at the Fuel Panel and valve closed. Right tank is full but no HL light on and valve still open. Cheers, Stefan
  3. Good evening, pls see problem written in the subject above. Used the "Interior Fuel Panel". Pls also see screen enclosed. Is this is a bug or am i doing sth wrong here? Cheers, Stefan
  4. Makes sense, thanks.
  5. I ve tried out again. Now i also set NORM mod and have 20 celsius in Cockpit and 22 in the Cabin. I also figured out, that i can change the sensors in the cabin via the screen in the galley. seems to work properly. I think the sensors in the cockpit is automatically near by the sensed temperature of the cabin or is there any specific knob to turn the sensed temp up and done for the cockpit? I really dont know why i had 80 celsius for the cockpit above. The 12 celsius should be due to the fact, that i didnt set temps in the galley screen properly. cheers, Stefan
  6. Good day, i have a question to the ACU 1 and 2 in the 650: For the air in the "conditioned Air Outlet" there are 3 options: NORM, STBY and MAN. In the NORM Mod the ACU Controller sets the temperature for the "cond. Air Outlet" accordingly due to a sensor in the cockpit or cabin. Is it possible to tell these sensors how the temperature should be? I have tried this out and set both switches in the OH-Panel to NORM. Outside temperature was 0 Cesius and in NORM mod the temperature in the "cond. Air Outlet" for ACU1 was 80 (!) Celsius and for ACU2 12 Celsius. I think both temperatures are not very comfortable for both, crew in the cockpit and passengers in the cabin ; ) Please also see pic enclosed. So how can i change this or how can i manipulate the sensors in the cockpit and cabin. STBY and MAN Mod seems to be working for me, but as mentioned above NORM mod seems to be doing strange things : ) Thank you in advance for any info on this, cheers, Stefan
  7. Hi there, indeed. I think this will solve the issues. Thxs for your response!
  8. It’s me again. I guess it’s because I ve set flap movement at two hardware inputs. At one of the hardware I remained flaps at zero. Therefore the flaps always jumped back to zero I guess. Will check this tomorrow. Cheers.
  9. Good evening. Have a problem with the flaps. I do all checklist items. At Taxi Checklist, when setting Flaps to 20, Flaps always retracting back to 0. What i`m doing wrong here? Thanks in advance for any help on this, Cheers, Stefan
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