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  1. Sorry I didn't see your answer, but it's ok now, as I mentionned in my previous post, my new monitor is arrived and now I'm ok with the texture. Thank you for your answer
  2. Marvelous, as soon as I read your 1st answer I was pretty sure it was the cause... I have another monitor on his way so it will definitively correct my trouble. Thank you for your quick answer, and I will try DLDSR until the monitor is on his way. Thank you
  3. full screen (windowed has the same issue) 1920x1080
  4. Hello, After going through the 30 pages of the forum, searching on the internet, trying in vain 2 or 3 tricks from various forums, I'm desperate to find a CL650 with fine textures. As you can see on the photo, the screens are almost unreadable for some unless you zoom in or display them as a popup. I've just bought myself a more powerful PC so I can finally fly on xp12, but in the end, the plane is worse than my old xp11. My confing ryzen7 9700x RTX4070 super and 32Go DDR5. Thanks for your help Nick Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
  5. Amazing work as usual, the popups on PFD and MFD are so helpful!
  6. Wow so prompt on the reply, I'm impressed. Ok I was thinking that it might come from my hardware... Thank you I will try your solution and wait for an update from Xplane and the CL... 2D panels work fine. Again, thank you for the help
  7. Hello everyone, I have some texture trouble with XP12 and the CL. I don't know how to fix it, my setting are pretty high but as you can see the background textures are so poor. It just appears on the background texture. If someone could save this gorgeous aircraft from blurry texture that will start 2023 so nicely Thank you and happy new year
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