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  1. Thanks for looking into this. I'll probably wait for Gizmo to work without Rosetta but will try the workaround in the meantime.
  2. Thank you. I'm using Xplane 12/ Challenger 1.7 on an Apple M1 Max with 32Gb RAM. Log file attached. Log.txt
  3. The moving map in the passenger cabin is only showing sea with no land. Is there something I should change to enable the land to be shown?
  4. I've tried this in numerous configurations and the problem is still there. Is there anything in the log file from the most recent session that is useful to solve this problem? Log.txt
  5. Just adding on to this. There's a considerable delay between the sound switching after a view has changed. I don't know if this helps diagnose what the problem might be?
  6. I've just installed XPlane on a new MacBook pro. The cockpit sounds start to loop after a while. For instance, an FMS click repeats rapidly after only one press. This then joined by other cockpit sounds (eg flap/ spoiler etc) which all start to loop and build up on top of the first sound. After a minute or so, the aircraft becomes unflyable because of the noise. Log attached. Any suggestions, please? Log_2.txt
  7. What's the correct procedure for getting the ATS to show N1 TO as called for in the pre-departure checklist? I've followed the checklist steps meticulously and still can't get this to show in the ATS display.
  8. Any thoughts on this from anyone? I'm unable to use the aircraft now as I can never get past boarding.
  9. Hi- as in the title, the sim consistently CTDs when passengers board. Any help please? Didn't happen prior to installing 1.6.1. Log attached. Log.txt
  10. Solved! I put the ultrawide into windowed mode and all appeared to come good.
  11. yes that's what I've done. The dialogue boxes still don't appear on the ultrawide. Is there a setting in prefs that tells the dialogue box where it should be?
  12. yes I am now using this for X Plane. I have an eGPU and am getting better frame rates by not using the main monitor
  13. I've just changed to an ultrawide monitor and now can't see the dialogue windows (eg refueller) or the ground service status. They were popping up before when I was on my main iMac window. Is there anything I should change to make this work? Thanks
  14. Thank you I’ll try that!
  15. Thanks for this but please can you give me a little more info on how N1 target mode is selected?
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