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ryeng87 last won the day on February 7 2023

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery that seems to be a variant of the Bombardier House Colors liveries found for both the Challenger and Global series, main difference of course in it having blue features. This livery is based on an IRL aircraft with tailnumber "T7-AIR". It has been made for the HS CL650 version 1.7. This livery is derivative work, and (with permission) is heavily based on user -Paul-'s splendid work on his orange and pink stripe liveries. Recommend you check out his work and drop him a thanks! Without his foundation, i don't think i would have started this one.
  2. View File Blue House Livery - Hot Start Challenger 650 This is a livery that seems to be a variant of the Bombardier House Colors liveries found for both the Challenger and Global series, main difference of course in it having blue features. This livery is based on an IRL aircraft with tailnumber "T7-AIR". It has been made for the HS CL650 version 1.7. This livery is derivative work, and (with permission) is heavily based on user -Paul-'s splendid work on his orange and pink stripe liveries. Recommend you check out his work and drop him a thanks! Without his foundation, i don't think i would have started this one. Submitter ryeng87 Submitted 02/05/2023 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212?osCsid=vimo8i4qker63q3jjlacfhucl5  
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  3. View File Hot Start Challenger 650 - Diamond Blue This livery is very much inspired by Kirk Smith and his winning design for the Diamond DA50 RG. And of course some adaptations has been made to make it fit the CL650 fuselage. Hope this will spread i little colour on the biz jet world. Please do not redistribute or upload without permission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note version number: Version 1.2.0 of this livery is tested and works with CL650 rel 1.7 in both XP11.55 and XP12.00. The new version supersedes previous versions of this livery. Submitter ryeng87 Submitted 11/02/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
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  4. Version 1.2.0


    This livery is very much inspired by Kirk Smith and his winning design for the Diamond DA50 RG. And of course some adaptations has been made to make it fit the CL650 fuselage. Hope this will spread a little colour on the biz jet world. Please do not redistribute or upload without permission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note version number: Version 1.2.0 of this livery is tested and works with CL650 rel 1.7 in both XP11.55 and XP12.00. The new version supersedes previous versions of this livery.
  5. Hi. I've been setting up the annunciator panel on my HC Bravo. Most of it is fairly straight forward, and some points are a bit finnicky. But i haven't been able to find dataref's that'll work satisfactory with the 'low fuel pressure' and 'low hyd pressure' indicators. So if possible, I kindly request if the following EICAS messages could be added to the datarefs (like =1 for active message, and =0 for inactive) in the future: - L Fuel Lo Press - R Fuel Lo Press - Hyd 1 Lo Press - Hyd 2 Lo Press - Hyd 3 Lo Press And if you'd get bored (highly likely) a ref for the engine oil pressures would be nice. The standard refs from x-plane do work and i can get a fairly close match between the EICAS amber field and the Bravo annunciator. But it would be nice to have a ref that is scaled to what we see in the EICAS.
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