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  1. Javier, thank you for the response, good to hear, that your team will dig this problems. I should wait for the code optimizations, I don't want to rape my system now with overclocking (it's not necessary for such tasks). But now the aircraft will be on my shelf for better times. Good luck, and I'm looking forward to get an update for this issue.
  2. Cameron, it's a surprise for me, but I'm using X-Plane 9, (I haven't any intentions to use 10 version yet, it's too early) and everything I've described relates to 9 version. I don't want to overclock my CPU, because I don't have any reasons to do so, every custom commercial aircraft, which I have, besides CRJ, haven't any impact on performance.
  3. Cameron, I'm not using my old machine anymore, I've described it in this topic already (I made an upgrade few days ago), my current specifications are following: Windows 7 64 bit, Intel Core i7 2600K, Asus P8P67-M Pro, Asus Nvidia GTX560 1Gb GDDR5, 16 GB DDR3 And my opinion, your team should try to use not such approach, like, "we made full complexity of CRJ systems". And I think, it's worth, you can compare FSX with heavy aircrafts, with complex system modelling+heavy loaded AI traffic+complex weather programs (which are running in the background) and "weak" X-Plane+CRJ. You'll know the difference at once. I agree with this. Yep, it does, sorry to say. Moreover, the aircrafts, which he simulated are far away from CRJ.
  4. That's what I'm telling you, why displays in CRJ are very heavy, that needs to use all cores to maximize performance on all threads, more complex displays in PMDG 737 from FSX (with much more systems simulated) uses much less demand on hardware, I could use all these systems on my previous machine with smooth performance. If you position your aircraft like very simulated in X-Plane, I think it needs more simulated features and more adequate performance. If comparing to MSFS complex aircrafts, CRJ uses default logics. It's not good simulated and heavy demands on hardware, which is not good for such statement like "First full simulated aircraft for X-Plane". There is Felis aircrafts, which are much simulated and have nothing demand on hardware. Guys, i don't claim you, I'm not want to say anything to injure you and your work, I know what it is, but if you could listen me - it would be good for all of your customers and me, who wants to fly this aircraft with pleasure.
  5. Phillip, thank you for the fast response, 285.62-desktop-win7-winvista-64bit-international-whql is installed No, nothing heavy, it uses settings from my old system, which gave me smooth performance on aircrafts like Felis An-24, Yak-40 (which are simulated quite realistically and uses all custom logics on every gauge with custom sounds and failures). It's obvious for me not to use anything in the background. I need to tell you, that I'm commercial aircraft designer for MSFS series and now I'm making my first project for the X-Plane (I'm not alone, we are working in a team). There is some post from X-Plane developer's blog, which describes how to set proper settings: And my IMHO, when I switching displays on CRJ on every scenery (both custom and default, heavy town, or not) the perfomance drops from 60-100 FPS to 20-25. So the drop in performance is around 50-70% Now I'm sure it can't be claimed on my poor system.
  6. Guys, I have an update. I was planning to upgrade my system before I bought CRJ, so I've reacted your words, regarding my outdated system specification with awareness. So, now I have following hardware: Windows 7 64 bit, Intel Core i7 2600K, Asus P8P67-M Pro, Asus Nvidia GTX560, 16 GB DDR3 And once again, I can't use your aircraft comfortably, it's poor on FPS, and it needs hardcore code optimization for the displays. Yes, I can have 60-100 FPS in the air, but ugly 20-25 FPS on the ground in the default airports. Please, compare your performance with hardcore PMDG products, which uses heavy FSX-engine - I have around 50 FPS on the ground with heavy scenery and AI-traffic.
  7. Guys, and how is the FPS in 1.3, any significant boost?
  8. Hey, guys, first of all, thank you for your work on this plane. But, i need to say, that ican't use CRJ for now, very bad perfomance at all. My system spec: E7500 2,93 Dual Core, ATI5870 1Gb GDDR3, 8Gb RAM. I'm running on XP SP3. I have 40FPS, which is more than enought, when everything is cold and dark, but if i switch on battery my fps drops to 19 with severe stutterings. I was downloading the documentation before buying the aircraft and it says that my spec is enought to have 22-35 fps. Also i was using the hardware diagnostic tool to test my system and i have "green light" to proceed with purchasing. What is causing such behavoir? I was testing everything regarding perfomance setups in X-Plane, even i was switching off everything and making the graphics uses the most lowest settings, same things - i have 90fps, when she's cold and 19 fps when battery on. I have bought 2 weeks ago PMDG 737NGX for FSX and i have stable 25-30 fps on it with smooth perfomance. I can't belive, that unoptimized engine of FSX with NGX my system can handle, but not an X-Plane with CRJ. As i looked, such behavoir can be caused by the OpenGL displays with sound engines, but i can say, that they are not so heavy regarding complexity compared to PMDG NGX. Is there any workaround?
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