Hey, guys, first of all, thank you for your work on this plane. But, i need to say, that ican't use CRJ for now, very bad perfomance at all. My system spec: E7500 2,93 Dual Core, ATI5870 1Gb GDDR3, 8Gb RAM. I'm running on XP SP3. I have 40FPS, which is more than enought, when everything is cold and dark, but if i switch on battery my fps drops to 19 with severe stutterings. I was downloading the documentation before buying the aircraft and it says that my spec is enought to have 22-35 fps. Also i was using the hardware diagnostic tool to test my system and i have "green light" to proceed with purchasing. What is causing such behavoir? I was testing everything regarding perfomance setups in X-Plane, even i was switching off everything and making the graphics uses the most lowest settings, same things - i have 90fps, when she's cold and 19 fps when battery on. I have bought 2 weeks ago PMDG 737NGX for FSX and i have stable 25-30 fps on it with smooth perfomance. I can't belive, that unoptimized engine of FSX with NGX my system can handle, but not an X-Plane with CRJ. As i looked, such behavoir can be caused by the OpenGL displays with sound engines, but i can say, that they are not so heavy regarding complexity compared to PMDG NGX. Is there any workaround?