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  1. The DFC 90 autopilot input isn't acting like the actual airplane. I understand for clicking a mouse the mode needs to be activated and then the arm capture button pressed sequentially. For those of us with hardware buttons, can we have simultaneous button support so the DFC 90 acts like it does in the actual aircraft? For example, the HDG and NAV mode buttons must be pressed simultaneously in the real plane to activate HDG and arm NAV. Pressing HDG and then NAV in the real plane will activate heading, then deactivate heading and activate NAV. This gets very confusing in the actual plane switching back and forth between sim and reality. Thanks, Mike
  2. Hello Adam, Do you have the RealityXP GTN650 software which adapts the garmin GTN650 to x-plane? This takes the Garmin GTN650 training program and integrates it in with the flight sim and overrides the default Garmin 430 GPS. Once you have this software working and the GTN650 popped out as a "window", you can just drag it to the Realsimgear hardware as if it was a normal computer monitor.
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