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Everything posted by Ady

  1. Hi Graeme, Thanks so much for flight testing this! How strange that you have different results. I'll do the flight again, over this coming weekend, and will make sure to take screenshots to document what I'm seeing. My approach was via TPAPA, which takes you over the higher ground by WITBY, but I see that you did one too. I'll have another go and report back! Cheers.
  2. Here's the route that I used, as requested by Pilsner: NZAA 05R PAGL3Q KARRL Y506 SILVO Y506 TPAPA TPAP1D NZWN 16
  3. Hi all, I've done two full flights on the CL650 so far - and I'm really enjoying it, it's a fantastic aircraft simulation. However, I've experienced a bit of a problem on my return leg from NZAA and NZWN last night. I was all setup for an ILS approach onto runway 16. As I reached the IAF at the end of the STAR, I could see that the aircraft had entered the correct frequency into LOC1 but it wasn't identified. I thought it was weird and continued to the approach. Turning onto the localiser intercept path, there was still no signal and the aircraft obviously didn't start to descend when reaching the normal intercept point on the glideslope (there was still vertical path guidance from VNAV). Only at around 8DME (I can't remember exactly when, but it was around this) did I see that the ILS identified on LOC1. Having checked on the Discord server, I'm told that the CL650 includes code to simulate terrain and obstacle blocking of ILS signals. That's a great feature to have, but I think it may be the cause of the problem I experienced last night. Grateful for some investigation - I pretty much always start or end flights at Wellington, so this is going to be a big issue for me if not fixed/I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Cheers!
  4. I’ve been experiencing the same - it’s a shame that you’ve been ignored by the developer…
  5. I’ve been experiencing the same - it’s a shame that you’ve been ignored by the developer…
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