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Everything posted by lennard78

  1. Hello Paulsk, Did you actually manage to get the Knobster to control the G5 buttons? Am considering buying a Knobster but would like it to work with the G5. Best, Lennard
  2. Hi Coop, Thanks for your quick reply. Good to know that the GTN does not drive the righthand screen, but unfortunately I am still somewhat puzzled. One of the things is the flightplan: when I enter any flightplan into my RXP 650, the G500 only shows maximally one (the first) waypoint, none of the other points of the flightplan, and I get only a line to the first waypoint obviously, as a consequence (see screenshot). I had understood that there was no waypoint limitation when using RXP? The G500 is not copying the GTN waypoints. The other unclear point to me is the map on the G500, as I can only get a very roughly pixeled map without any airspace boundaries or other airspace or obstacle information (please see screenshot). Also, checking the original G500 manuals, there should be a whole range of display options through the 'Map Setup' menu, but the only display options that pop up is a page with choices for North Up, autozoom, viewing ranges of airspace classes and airways, but the menus and options seem to not follow the original G500 manuals. I must do something wrong here as, according to the X-Aviation G500 product page, I should be able to have a choice of all these map details. If you could point me to the right direction to solve these issues, I would appreciate it! Many thanks, Lennard
  3. Hello, It might be my ignorance, but I have understood that the MFD of the G500 should be able to display the RXP GTN650 map. I do get the PFD coupled to the RXP correctly but somehow the MFD still shows the Realsimgear maps and data. Since there is no manual, could anyone explain how to couple both G500 screens to the GTN650? I am using the default C172 which X-Aviation supplies with the G500 with a 2D panel for the GTN. Thank you and best regards, Lennard
  4. Hello, Is there any way to make the G5's popups also visible and movable in VR? Best wishes Lennard Edit: found the solution by using MoveVR!
  5. Hi Coop, Great news! Many thanks. Best wishes Lennard
  6. Hi Cameron, Would there be any timeline for integrating the G5 in native XP12 (C172) at this time? Best wishes Lennard
  7. I would also be interested to know. Lennard
  8. That's great news! Thank you and Happy New Year.
  9. Many thanks for your reply. I always used this included G5 172 in XP11. Thie G5 C172 folder indeed also works when placed in the XP12 aircraft folder, but then I have the XP11 C172 in XP12, and I noticed that it then comes without all the XP12 'goodies' such as visible rain on the windshield etc. Hence I was wondering whether you could add a C172 but then adapted to XP12? Or is there a way to install the G5 in the XP12 C172 myself (which did not work with the present original XP11 installer)?
  10. Hello, After running the G5 installer for the stock C172 in XP12, I see that the G5 text file is copied to the aircraft folder, but somehow it does not show the G5 in the sim (just keeps the old analogue instruments). Has anyone been able to make the G5 visible and work in XP12's 172? Best wishes Lennard
  11. Hi Coop, Many thanks for your help - it all worked out! Very much enjoying the G5's! Best wishes Lennard
  12. Hi, I am wondering whether there is a(n easy?) way to assign the G5's heading bug to the physical rotary controller of Honecomb's Bravo throttles. Any help appreciated. Best wishes Lennard
  13. Same here, I would be very interested in the answer...
  14. Many thanks Coop, as already expected, some settings were messed up from my part. Now it all works!
  15. Hello. At this moment, my G5 HSI seems not to communicate at all with the G430 (e.g. standard C172 SP G5), neither with the xplane 430 nor RealityXP 430 (/nor 650 or 750). Does anybody have a suggestion how to solve this? I cannot find anything about this in the manual. Thanks! Lennard
  16. Already solved! The maker of the mod has already updated it, now it all works!
  17. Hello, Many thanks for the updates in the V2.0 version, I am very happy with that. The G5's work in the supplied standard C172, but for some reason they do not work any longer in the VC of this 172 mod, which adds the G5, in combination with Avitab and RealityXP's 750: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/65361-laminar-cessna-172-gtng5avitab/. The previous G5 version worked perfectly in this mod, but my technical knowledge is not enough to be able to judge whether the problem lies with the mod (not supporting the 2.0 version) or whether something went wrong in the G5 implementation. In the C172SP folder, I do see the G5.cfg file and the G5 folder in the aircraft's Plugin folder. Any advice on how to make the V2.0 of the G5's work again, is welcome! Lennard
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