Hi, just bought this plane today and trying to make it work on XP12.
I fly mainly in VR. I knew that the first office part would not work in VR but seems I have problems with switches, clicks and FMS inside the plane. If I click on the FMS to pop the window out sometimes works and sometimes not besides when it works, the clicks do not correspond to what I want clicked and most are off the click button. Switches I have problems switching on some switches. I tried importing a simbrief flightplan as per the instructions but it keeps on req pending and yes I did put my simbrief data in have the right airframe and tried with both icao and even with the FIN but still it remains on req pending.
Will this work in VR ? I don`t have XP11 and not interested to use XP11 as I fly only in MSFS and XP12.