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Everything posted by Jagrodz

  1. Hello, I was looking into painting some liveries, and while I was able to find an unofficial paint kit posted by another forum user, that paint kit does not have the details necessary to create a bare metal livery. The manual for the aircraft mentions a paint kit "will be provided," but I can't seem to locate where exactly it is, if it is indeed released already. Jagrodz
  2. Hello, I made some slight edits to the .acf of the 737 in Plane Maker to convert the aircraft into a Firebomber or Oil Spill Response aircraft. I was curious if publishing just the modified .acf file was allowed here on the forums. Thanks, Jarret
  3. Update: Appears the issue is tied to this post. This thread can be closed
  4. Happened again the very next flight. Attempted engine restart and all it did was throw all the gauges for a loop.
  5. Hello again, Not sure how to best provide information on this, but this is an event that has occurred to me several times over 250 hours of flying this aircraft. I haven't been able to figure out why, but during cruise out of the blue the right engine will fail. After roughly a minute, the left engine follows. My initial guess was icing blocking the oil cooler leading to over-temp, but I did not observe any abnormal gauged indications prior to either failure. All switches were unmoved from takeoff position (RCS Run, SRL on, Air Start & Safe selected, Main Valve Open, Tip Tanks AUTO). Any ideas would be appreciated.
  6. Hello, Ran across an issue while having a livery made. The gold lines cut off around the back of the aircraft, but they run to the end of the UV map. Any idea how to get these to wrap around?
  7. Has anyone (other than WAT) braved this paint-kit? I'm approaching 100 hours on the default livery and I think it needs replacing soon
  8. Thanks a bunch. Exactly what I was looking for.
  9. Hello, Silly question, but I was curious if there was anywhere to edit the displayed airframe hours on the Hobbs Quartz counter. Just a little tweak to match the numbers on FSEconomy would be nice, if there is a file I can edit on my end. Thanks
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