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About slimit75

  • Birthday April 6

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  1. Just crossed the date line and had the FMS sequence to the next waypoint, which was still 200 miles away. Is this supposed to happen? Routing was the following: NGTA NIXAM B326 CHOKO LEANE PHLI
  2. I feel really silly now. It turns out that I accidentally had the "FMS 3" switch on the bottom right of the aft pedestal was set to "1" instead of "NORM", switching it back to normal allows the ATS to be engaged.
  3. During cruise yesterday my ATS failed, and since then I have been unable to use it. It is not a flashing "FAIL" message, like what comes on after using reverse thrust, but rather is a solid "FAIL" message. Pressing the disconnect button on the throttles do clear the message, but does not allow the ATS to be engaged. All circuit breakers are in, and I have tried resetting the auto throttle breaker multiple times. The ATS PIDs in the study menus also just say "PID RESET". I have also checked the failures menu, and saw no failures. Any ideas?
  4. It appears that the right side's lighting controls are swapped, "BRT" is actually "OFF" and vice versa. While its hard to see the flood light in the day, you can see how the INTEG lights aren't illuminated despite the knob in the bright position.
  5. Same issue as well, using xPilot v2.0.0-beta.14 on VATSIM.
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