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Jehu Luna

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  1. Hello, thank you. Could you please tell me more about that specific version? Because XPUIPC is needed for Navigraph Simlink for example. I can't delete it. Which version works with IXEG?
  2. What should I do? Jehu Luna.
  3. I assigned it to the yoke to try and see if another axis could work. Just removed it and nothing is working yet! Jehu Luna.
  4. I've just bought this addon and while trying to set it up, I'm stuck. The thrust levers in the aircraft aren't responding to my hardware (Bravo throttle quadrant). I set up a new controller profile in X-plane 12. Other addons are perfectly working (Zibo, MD11, etc). Even when i try to click and drag the thrust levers in the aircraft using the mouse, nothing is moving. I tried to uninstall and install again, nothing.
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