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  1. So I had all the monitors disabled through xplane and it still didnt work. I then physically disconnected all the monitors but one and the window finally popped up!! It works now and it works great! The PFD, MFD and autopilot popouts are just awesome. Like flying the real thing! Thanks again for your help.
  2. I re-installed using the installer. Same problem. This is getting pretty frustrating. Log.txt
  3. Ok, I got it to work on my laptop but everything in the plane still dead on my desktop. Only using 1 monitor now. Log.txt
  4. It worked!! Thank you so much! I'm able to fly it now on my laptop, going to try it at home on my Desktop... Thanks again for the quick response!! Plane flies great.
  5. All buttons give a strange sound, nothing works. My center console is blank. Cant start plane or avionics. Please help! Log.txt
  6. I'm having the same problem!
  7. Made the folder not read only. Also tried the plane on my laptop with similar results. Log.txt
  8. Hope that helps, really looking forward to flying this thing!!
  9. Log.txt
  10. Just loaded the SR22 entegra and none of the switches will work. Control surfaces work and i can put the key in but cant turn on ALT 1 or 2 or anything. Also, "Toggle Aircraft Window" doesn't bring anything up??
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