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About Dukes

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Having improved ground and tree textures would be good but I'd appreciate even more if there weren't trees in the middle of the street or so close to the coastline as we see in some sreenshots :-\ I hope that will be sorted out when Xp 10 is out
  2. I read the news about the procedual weather and it looks really promising but I didn't quite understand if the clouds will be real 3D or texture based like Xp9... I noticed that in none of the screen shoots there are visible clouds... what do you think ? It would be great to have real 3D clouds like these http://www.simul.co.uk/weather/media :
  3. Must be even better to FLY them on a daily basis ;D
  4. Amazing ! Well done !! Just a question... apart from the buttons in the cockpit that can be conveniently clicked with the mouse button as usual would it be possible to have an option that allows knobs and switches to be controlled using the mouse wheel?? I used to do this with the leonardo MD80 on MSFS and I found it to be a really nice way to control switches in the cockpit... feels much more "realistic"
  5. Dukes

    Airbus 320

    If the systems of these planes are gonna be as accurate as the 3D work these planes are gonna set X-plane on a new level. With respect to all plane makers (freeware and payware) at the moment there is no aircracfts that can compete with MFS payware ones imho and this is a big hold back for many simmers... but it seems things are gonna change soon ;D Good job guys
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