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  1. Hi Nice to hear about the release, many many thanks to the developpers for your efforts! Concerning the price and to the people criticizing it, I wonder if they can understand the efforts behind these developments. I wonder if they can understand that a company needs also money to survive. I am afraid not. Another thing I don´t care much what was said in the past about the price. You cannot warranty the price for such a long time full of uncertainties. It is up to the developpers to fix the price and update it according to their estimations. The customers can pay it or not. I will do. Again many thanks for your development!!!
  2. Hi, A question for waming up during the waiting time ;-) Could you please say which approches are included in this new XP12 version, I guess LNAV/VNAV and ILS but what about RNAV, RNP, LPV, GLS, etc.? Which approaches were included in the real 737 (300,400 and 500)? THX!
  3. Thanks Jan and Tkyler! your enthusiasm is contagious and helps for the waiting period ;-)
  4. Hi, Thanks for your efforts with the update. I check very regurarly to see the progress, is this threath the correct place to see that? I and all are looking forward to the IXEG 737 in XP12, could you maybe say something about approximatly when or at least where you are with the development? Thx!
  5. Dear Pils Thanks for your reply. Please find attached the first example I found. GCLAGCXO.fms
  6. I have read the topic but unfortunately did not help me. Please feel free to open this topic again and shift my question there. I press IDX, route menu, disk route list and no one route works from the many I have, the message: "bad route parse" I have the last AIRAC cycle and the version 1.2.3 of the challeger. I know how to manage with simbrief but I would like to use the fms routes I have created with the wonderfull littlenavmap. Can you please say something about the flight plan format for the challenger 650? Any hints? i thought FMS should work. Thx!
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