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Juliett Whisky

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Everything posted by Juliett Whisky

  1. Thanks @Goran_M, I think I found the "bad" plugin.
  2. @Goran_M or @Cameron perhaps?
  3. Hello all, The TBM900 is a very good plane and a joy to fly, but it crashed (in XP11 11.55) several times in the last days because of a conflict with the plugin XPLM_PLUGIN_XPLANE. As far as I know this plugin cannot be removed because it's an essential XP plugin. I installed a fresh TBM, but without result. Anyone any idea? I'm on a iMac 27inch 2019. JW Log 3.txt
  4. Understood, Thx @Coop
  5. Could be, but as far as I can see it looks like a x-aviation sound (bank) problem. I don't have simmilar problems with other planes in XP12, such as the Diamond DA62 & DA50RG and the Marchetti SF260.
  6. Thanks @Pils for your reaction. I'm on BigSur, not too old I guess?
  7. I downloaded the SR20 Entegra yesterday and installed it in XP12. After activation I received a sound bank error message. Besides this message I cannot activate anything with the mouse. I attach the log.txt Thanks Jan W. Log.txt
  8. Thanks Cameron, Does that also apply the updates for the other X-Aviation products? (see my plane directory above).
  9. I suppose this update is for XP12 only. I'm on an iMac with XP11. After updating the BN-2T remained as a 1.0.1 version and two unwanted G5 and G500 version were installed.
  10. Since the last upgrade to RSG 5 instruments V 2.0.1, it is no longer possible to activate both instruments. I have opened a ticket for this before, but without result. All together the software became worthless to me. However, the G5 is installed in the LR C172 and the X-Aviation BN-2 Islander, but I can't remove it. I have tried several times to fix the problem with a new download, but again without result. I attached 2 printscreens from the log.txt. Can anyone help me with this problem?
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