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  1. From YSCB arriving in YPAD.
  2. The link to the POH. https://ia800502.us.archive.org/16/items/737-300-400-500-operations-manual-the-bo/737_300_400_500_Operations_Manual_The_Bo.pdf
  3. 5.5 hr trip from Bali - Arriving in Canberra Australia (YSCB) from Denpasar Bali (WADD).
  4. Ah, thanks for that @Litjan. I thought it captured the calendar and time info from the sim. By the way, the aircraft flies great. No hassles with the systems. It would be awesome if I could toggle the landing lights to full on/off as well as the taxi and strobe lights through joystick assignments. Also do you by chance have the full specs of the IXEG B737 Classic Plus? Excellent addition to my fleet. Thanks.
  5. I just purchased the IXEG B737 Classic Plus for XP12 and found that the date is not correct. It shows the year as 1987 and the day/ month is incorrect also. Any idea how this can be fixed?
  6. Greetings all, Surely there is some type of document that shows the schematics of the cockpit instruments with a listing of switches and location thereof and functionality thereof? Not only that, trying to find interactive positions on the outside of the fuselage and their functions would also be great.(Images thereof be handy where to interact). UPDATE: I downloaded the CL605 manual from SmartCockpit.com (CL650 wasn't available). Only differences are in the CL650 is the Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 Advanced Avionics and SVS included, redesigned interior cabin and 5% increase in thrust. The cockpit layout and instrumentation are in the same positions. https://www.smartcockpit.com/my-aircraft/bombardier-challenger-604/
  7. Thanks. I was trying to envisage correct position to what it would be when sitting in a real 650 cockpit.
  8. Hi team, Probably been discussed some time ago but I currently have a HOT warnining on the right engine ITT instrument. I checked around on the website to find some info on it but not sure if it was for this specific warning. What is the remedy for this?
  9. I didn't think it was a biggie Keeps us on our toes.
  10. Thanks for that.. Does that mean then that when the HUD projection is in the correct position, the pilot is sitting in the correct position?
  11. Greetings Team, What is chances of making the text smaller on the HUD so all info can fit on the HUD screen?
  12. Just to keep this alive, I too have that distinct reflection in on the PIC side cockpit window.. I found that the culprits are the MFDs. By turning the brightness right down to minimums, the reflection was all but gone. Only slight visual.
  13. Hi all, My PFD is currently showing LNV2 instead of LNV1. How can I change this? Thanks in advance.
  14. A flawless approach into YPAD rwy 05. RNAV.
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  15. Coming into landing at YBBN (Brisbane Int'l) from Brunei (WBSB). 3016nm 6:35 hrs Flighttime. Great flight in a magnificent aircraft the HotStart Challenger CL650. Landing was a bit too soft -8FPM.
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