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  1. Thank you for the reply. my rendering settings are set reasonably high - running a RTX2060 Super. The only way I can get the windshield to show is by turning on "Glass Reflections" in the Aircraft menu.
  2. When using the external view - it would appear that the windshields are missing. Version 2.0.1 Does anyone know how to rectify this please?
  3. Brilliant! - Thank you for your help!
  4. Hi, Would someone be able to tell me where I would download the "82 page Airplane Information Manual and a brief guide" that is advertised on the SR22 G1000 purchase web page. I couldn't see it from the download page when I download the install files. Thank you in advance Matt
  5. Same problem for me to. I can get the Avitab to show, but the screen is just blank/black. Seems like it won't turn on.
  6. I'm experiencing the same issue. My mouse cursor isn't scaled.
  7. Great! - Thank you.
  8. Does anyone know what the bindings for the Oxygen on off switch are please?
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