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Everything posted by Tiktok4321

  1. Some of this might seem like "is the refrigerator plugged in" type of troubleshooting but bear with me. I found this thread because I was having the same problem. Turns out, in my case, I had a notch of flaps in that I didn't notice. Note that on autopilots that don't have auto throttle, the aircraft can only adjust its altitude using pitch trim. If your power setting is too high, you will drift up. If your power setting is too low, you will drift down. If you have a notch in like I did, or a speed break inadvertently deployed, your trim cannot be enough to compensate for the lift and/or drag generated by these conditions. I noticed in your screenshot that you are considerably slower than your VMO, so I think my analysis bears some merit. Also, don't forget, when you're cruising in a high-performance aircraft, you must set your manifold pressure and your throttle to an appropriate cruise range. I hope this obvious answer can be found by others that share the same issue without going through copious amounts of manuals and YouTube tutorials that don't address these sort of common errors. Good luck!
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