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Everything posted by SYSCD7000

  1. Thought so but thought I would comment anyway. Thank you for your reply.
  2. I have bought the Pocket Rocket and seem to have problems with XOrganiser writing permissions to it. In the aircraft profiles within Xorganiser I can enable it 'green' but I cannot disable it 'red'. I have been in touch with the developers at Xorganiser and we both together were able to identify that there was a problem with this particular aircraft. I have bought aircraft from Xaviation before and these work fine with Xorganiser, and so do all my other aircraft. My question is: does the Pocket Rocket have any permissions locked? The aircraft works perfectly I was just wondering about the permissions. I hope this is not a trival question I was just wondering.
  3. Thank you
  4. Thank you. What are the NA and TN versions. Is that the same as the Turbo Version (as in SR22T) ?
  5. I noticed you do the Cirrus SR22 with G1000 avionics. Are you going to do the Cirrus SR22T aircraft soon? Also are there any plans for the Jet version (Vision Jet)?
  6. Thanks
  7. Does the SAAB have GTN 750 integration?
  8. Hello, I notice you model the TBM 900. Are you going to model the TBM 930 also?
  9. I noticed you have done payware for SR20 and SR22. Are you going to do it for the SF50. ?
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