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About PaulBienvenue

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. It's not like "Take Command" is a such great name. Don't we take command of every plane in X-Plane? Anyway nobody uses it. Everybody says it's the JRollon CRJ.
  2. Hi, In the Bombardier documents on Smartcockpit and in youtube videos, the flight director is not a cross, but an inverted V, like this: Would it be possible to get this? Many thanks!
  3. Same here. Here are my logs... Log.txt OSCrashLog.txt
  4. +1 for a few nice bizjet liveries. The one featured on this page is really nice: http://www.jetcorp.com/executive_conversions.html
  5. Let's not forget that Jazz has 3 livery colors: green, red, orange. Let's hope these 3 count as one of the 5! (If not, I vote for green...) Here's a red one that got accidentally pushed back in the mud recently in Quebec City: http://picasaweb.google.com/toule911/UnCRJDansLeFosse102009# Also, I think this plane deserves a corporate livery, for these 3 reasons: 1. The CRJ is an evolution of a corporate jet, the Challenger. 2. Bombardier still sells CRJ 200's as corporate jets under the name Challenger 850: http://www2.bombardier.com/en/3_0/3_2/3_2_2/3_2_2_3_1.jsp 3. Many CRJ 200's are being bought used and turned into corporate jets. For instance, by these firms: http://www.flyingcolourscorp.com/ http://www.jetcorp.com/executive_conversions.html Great deal if you ask me. For 20 million dollars, you are getting a jet as big as a 65 million dollar Global Express... Here's my private CRJ:
  6. Hi! What a nice airplane. I will be one of your first customers. CRJ's and Challengers are my favorite airplanes (not just because I'm a Quebecer). I especially like the CRJ to corporate jet conversions like these people make: http://www.aerospaceconcepts.com/about_phoenix.php http://www.flyingcolourscorp.com/crjoverview.htm http://www.actionaviation.com/crjindex.html What a great jet you end up with. Looking forward to new liveries for your plane. Air Canada Jazz and corporate liveries would be great. And please, do make a 2D cockpit. 3D cockpits, I find, are un-effective, and make me motion sick! Keep on the good work!
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