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Paul Ruskin

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Everything posted by Paul Ruskin

  1. Problem solved, thanks. Turns out that the relevant X-plane volume control for the nav radios is the Aircraft Interior, not the Radios. Paul
  2. Hi I'm running version 4 of the M20R Ovation II. I'm not hearing any audio from the radios - specifically the various Nav boxes. I've got the audio panel working, can select NAV1, NAV2, ADF, DME. Volumes show as OK in Dataref editor. But I can't hear any idents. (If I try the M20TN Acclaim, I get those idents.). Volume controls are set reasonably in the X-Plane GUI, and sound is enabled (I get the aircraft sounds and instrument clicks). I'm not hearing anything on the com radios either - but then I don't know what to expect. Can anyone tell me what the mechanism for producing those idents is? Do they come from X-plane, and the aircraft model just provides the switching? Or is the aircraft model meant to produce them? And any thoughts on how to make them work? Paul
  3. Hi I have loaded the latest (4.0.0) version of the Ovation II. However the audio panel doesn't work. The whole panel is unresponsive (other controls and instruments work fine), and the Com 1 light is flickering. Looking at the datarefs it looks like two things are competing to set the Com 1 light. Any thoughts? OK: Solved. I worked out how to turn it on! Paul
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  4. Any plans to complete the G5s with a Flight Director and AP integration? Preferably with a GFC500 model to go with it? That would be a really useful development. Thanks Paul
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