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  1. Could anyone pls send me a link too? Thx
  2. exergon


    Hi all, same here, I did a complete reinstall, no sounds at all. Every other aircraft works quite well. It is only with the IXEG 737. Any idea on this? Logfile attached, maybe it helps... Regards Markus Log.txt
  3. Hi Jan, first of all, thanks for the quick reply, really appreciated. I'll check the XPUIPC version. And of course the second proposal, although I can hardly believe it is this one, as I have already checked the AT being disactivated and I can not even move the throttle to align virtual and real ones. I'll keep you posted on the outcome. Cheers, Markus
  4. Hi, anyone an idea on how to fix this? I updated to 1.33. Did and repeated a clean install. I would say almost everything on ground works well. But I am not able to move the thrust lever, not with my Wharthog nor with the mouse. They do not move an inch. I obviously need some help on this. Thx Markus
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