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Everything posted by JSJSimPilot

  1. I have no idea why, but as soon as I flipped back over into X-Plane, my popups are holding position, both the PFD and MFD... I don't think I did anything in particular to fix it, but it is fixed, and I was unfortunately unable to find a way to delete my post. Thanks to all of you, as I'm sure anyone that could have helped, would have! Regards, Jason
  2. Hello everyone! I'm sorry for a potentially dumb question, or one that may have been asked before, but I wasn't able to find it covered on a search, so please forgive me if I've just missed it. I bought the TBM900 a decent while back, and I had used it a bit in my VR setup, and obviously it is an amazing plane, and it went off without a hitch. Fast forward shortly after and the system I had at the time had its motherboard fry literally 4 days after coming out of warranty. I had another working computer for business and at least a bit of simming or gaming, but I really didn't have the system to run the TBM, and haven't ever run it outside of VR. That brings me to my question. Is there a way I am able to have the PFD and MFD popup positions remembered? I've been able to set both displays to popup on a button, but they unfortunately popup in different positions each time. I still have functionality, so if this is something that cannot be helped, I'll understand and just drag the popup to where I can view the whole panel, but I hope that there is a way to get it to remember the positions that I'd like to lock them out. Thank you very much in advance, and I wish all of you a good day or good evening, depending on when you read this. :) Regards, Jason
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