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  1. Thank you, all clear :))
  2. I cannot find the Torquesim Aircraft Menu. Appreciate any help. Thanks!
  3. All clear now, thank you!
  4. How to open the Avitab screen? It stays black and I cannot find a clue in the manual...
  5. Thanks for your reply. I think this frame is intended for the Avitab screen...? Herewith 2 screenshots
  6. Thanks for your support, I'll look into it further. We'd better bury the hatchet. My complaint was based on no response from the popup "Welcome to X-Aviation Support!" on the X-Aviation website. With that I could ask for help to solve my problem. X-Aviation did not respond to this, even after several attempts. That frustrated me... Another possibility is the forum, which is excellently managed by you, Cameron. I had forgotten that at first, so my apologies for expecting support from the website first and then from you. Thanks again for your patience. Another problem is that only the Avitab frame appears and not the screen. Do you have a solution for that?
  7. Ok, you called it trash instead of garbage. The problem still exists. No response about the MU2 in my Spam filter... Another problem is the missing G5 instrument in the C172. A popup advised to install the latest version, but both screens stay black... See Log.txt after restart of the MU2 Log.txt
  8. Dear Cameron, I think there is a misunderstanding here. I have asked X-Aviation for help several times through chat and email. No response received. And that's the source of frustration and my advice to be critical of X-Aviation software. After your advice to install G500 before X-Plane is running, it turns out that the two screens are black. Only two popup screens are visible. The Avitab is also not visible in the cockpit, only the frame in which the Avitab would be mounted. Not so good if you accuse a user of posting "garbage" and not first researched what's really going on...
  9. Nice plane, but no G500 integration and no Avitab in the special frame :( Terrible service from support dep. Several times tried to get answers, but NO response at all Advice: do NOT order software from this company !!
  10. Xohlon

    X-Scenery Announces MU-2B-60 v2.0

    Nice plane, but no G500 integration and no Avitab in the special frame :( Terrible service from support dep. Several times tried to get answers, but NO response at all :( Advice: do NOT order software from this company !!
  11. That sounds great, -tkyler, thank you!
  12. It's a beautiful plane! I hope alternatively the GTN 750 configuration can be supplied...
  13. Watch the video till the end. You will see the difference between the two set ups: 1. with popup of the GTN750 the G5 popups give a black screen 2.without popup of the GTN750 the G5 popups gives a colored screen 771954529_BN-2TIslanderG5-2021-04-1211_09_41.avi
  14. As I said before the screens of the G5 instruments stays black when I popup the GTN750 screen. Only a very sudden and fast illuminated screen of the G5 instruments appears for 1/10 sec but end in a black screen without any message. I reloaded both the airplane and the G5 but the problem was not solved. This problem happens to both the piston and the turbo version! Log.txt
  15. After expirementing It seems that when popping up the screen of the GTN750 the popup of both the A5 screens stays black... Log.txt
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