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  1. It seems that I discovered the defect, after having reinstalled everything, from the operating system and the simulator, when I put my joystick settings in the control profiles folder the error happened again, I deleted the TBM 900 joystick definition from the control profiles folder and even the moment, the error did not happen again, there were 4 days suffering with this bug ... if the error returns, I hope not, I will publish again, grateful for the attention ...
  2. This error with the hardware happens only in the TBM 900, I've done everything, I only have to reinstall the windows, a pity, but I'm not having a good experience with this product since the purchase last year. Another log follows, this time the TBM900 itself 01 - TBM900_Log.txt 02 - TBM900_Log.txt
  3. I recorded a Video explaining better what is happening, I do not speak English, but I believe you can understand the event. 614355637_SimuladorTravandoTBM900.mp4 Log.txt
  4. The error persists, and continues to get worse If you help to decipher this error, follow some more logs GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  5. Here is a video demonstrating, as soon as you switch to the flight idle function and move the lever with the joystick, the simulator locks Video can be watched with VLC In the video it doesn't show the locked screen, it just shows the simulator without moving the mouse, but as you can see, as soon as it goes into flitgh idle if I activate the joystick it locks In this Log I believe that an error appears when activating the joystick 1015252304_X-Plane2021_02.09-09_05_54_01.mp4 Log.txt
  6. Thanks for the help, but unfortunately it keeps locking the simulator, more specifically when pressing the reverse button, and moving the joystick lever, I removed the plugin, but the error persists, unfortunately the error is only in the TBM900 Log.txt
  7. Unfortunately, I cannot use the TBM 900 after the last update, when the throttle lever is activated, the X-plane 11.51 locks up. Log.txt
  8. I face the same problem without capturing ils
  9. Hello everyone! I'm having an error with the TBM 900 on the X-plane 11.50, when tuning the ILS frequency, the aircraft does not pick up the signal on the radio, but the green magenta appears on the g1000 panel, but the aircraft does not start the decision procedure, it doesn't seem to capture the Glide Slope, and the LOC bar in NAV1 doesn't appear as it should, and the rain effects don't work either, would anyone have a solution for such problems? Thank you.
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