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Everything posted by gg05

  1. It's 2025 and X Plane 12 and the G500 and G5 don't seem to be playing together well. I purchased the G500 a few months ago and had been using the G5 for years. Installing the G500,with only the X-Aviation 172 using the G500, I noticed my frame rate dropped significantly (the G5 was already installed) and then I couldn't keep X Plane running -- CTD (Crashing To Desktop). No, I don't have any Log.txt as a system that was CTD is devastating and and had been down another company's help path where their advise was only to do a fresh install then only put plugins that I 'need' into X-Plane. Errors in the pop-up windows were: G500 plug in, laminar Research 172 using wrong sound mod and a few other FMOD errors attributed to freeware aircraft. Somewhat bizarre. With a fresh install and no third-party anything--the G5 dropped me from near 50fps to 35fps, give or take. Adding the G500, my frame rate dropped to to just above 20fps; and I completed the same procedure on two different drives. After many attempts to identify the issue(s) with their process, I gave up. Without the G5 or G500 installed I am operating without issue at 50FPS. Things do happen and normally they're fixed. Did X-Plane update itself away from the G500 and G5? Did I fail to install properly? Pay ware should work, period. I believe everyone would agree. I will greatly appreciate your support and advise. Intel® Core™ i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 w/12Gb Memory 64Gb/ 3600 @ correct speed Triple monitors:1080p
  2. Log-G500 Crash.txtLog-G500 Crash.txtPerhaps someone can identify what this problem is. A fresh install, with verified updated downloads. Log-G500 Crash.txt Log G500 crash 2.txt
  3. Thanks! In the nine months I have had X Plane 11, the learning curve is much too steep! Thanks for being there, and yes, it took me about two weeks to clear up some issues with other realistic gauges not integrating properly and X plane not letting me load a dark paneled mod to the 172--and it has been working for weeks. Realism requires complexity, I accept that, but this is the plug and play generation and the 21st Century. (Note: I deleted that aircraft. Spending too much time with the game instead of flying to remain proficient and learn some new things.) Again, very nice equipment and integration and thanks for the support! RB
  4. Would someone please provide some guidance on operating the G5. Great integration into X Plane, thanks. I looked in the folder for an operational manual, but didn't find one. I can select between the AI and the DG/HSI but can't change things: e.g., baro/ altitude. I just installed the G5 and found, in this forum how to get it to pop up, but.... What am I missing? Again, thanks for this equipment. I purchased XPlane for realism, and it is close. I enhanced some scenery for VFR flying, and it is close. I purchase some other realistic gauges and they are close to the real thing. Now with the G5, well, might be as close to realism as this gets. Okay, thanks again for the G5 and I look forward to see what I missed!
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