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  1. Well said by diegodc. I have been flying the plane for the last few days and tell you one thing. The module has great potential from one hand and many things that keep me away from flying it at the same time. I do really like the way I have to keep a eye when spooling the engine up by watching for NG, ITT, 30sek. 50 sec… It is fun to motor the engine before starting it when it’s hot. Handling is ok. like for this kind of module, but using the trim is a nightmare. Slight correction when using the trim can easily make the approach unstable. I really like the way it works with default KingAir 90. Now, using the throttles. There is 1/3 of my throttles movement unavailable, as it’s “blocked” for Taxi and Reverse, so only small gentle movements of the throttles during approach is recommended! Finally, the Garmin. Please do something with “Direct to”. In many cases when given instructions from ATC to proceed to some fix, and is selected from the flight plan, the plane flies to…I don’t know where it flies to be honest. Oh, about the stutters. I fly in VR. I made comparison with King Air 350 with HDR enabled, settings were set on medium. There was no single stutter observed when flying KA350 over Warsaw (EPWA) around 2000LT while flying the TBM was almost impossible. .. Just my first impressions flying the Hot Start TBM.
  2. Thx, will give it a try.
  3. Can anyone tell me how to cancel "Landing gear aural warning" when thrust lever is at idle and landing gear is up?
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