Hi. Can I come back to this old thread? For the past 18 months I have only been flying in VR, so I no longer see the ghost throttles at all in the cockpit (they are only visible on the monitor). So I cannot sync the hardware throttles with them - and all too often end up with 737 throttles that ignore all inputs from my Saitek hardware.
Irrespective of whose 'fault' this is, I must admit that I am now fed up with 737-300 flights ending in near crashes because, just when I need them most, I cannot control the throttles. The bottom line is that it is just not enjoyable flying this way and as much as I love the IXEG 733, I am put off from loading it up now, when so many of my flights end in near disaster because of this issue. Is there a way that I can turn this off, so that the throttles respond to my joystick as they do in any other aircraft I fly in XP11?
I've watched and studied all the videos, but in VR it seems I am never going to get this working reliably. As I type this, my 733 is on the runway, just landed, and stuck: A/P is off, A/T & SPEED are off, F/D is off, I have matched the A/T ghosts by looking at my monitor, I have the correct profile and mappings... but my X52 throttles refuse to move those in the cockpit at all. After a two-hour flight, it's very frustrating.
Please, if I am not now just to put this aircraft in a retirement hangar, to avoid the frustration of all this, could someone kindly help me to remove this throttle locking 'feature'. (I have tried with the option 'Disable Ghost Throttles' checked, but the throttles still lock up. I don't know what 'Throttle mouse ops for VR' does, I can't find any reference to it anywhere, but I can try it anyway I guess. Maybe it will help (I don't use a mouse in VR)??).
Thank you!