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David Snyder

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  1. Related to my posts on this thread regarding the airplane being loaded with a bunch of failures. While I thought my above explanation was the root cause, it actually covered up the real issue. I believe the real root cause is that if you save a flight (.sit) file, but then CHANGE TO ANOTHER TBM AIRFRAME, and then load a saved flight (.sit file) you can get the failures on startup like I was reporting. The fix to that is to RESAVE the flight (.sit file) with the new airframe and then the problem will not re-appear). Just posting here in case someone else runs into this issue.
  2. Very strange - After not flying for awhile I now notice my button (keyboard and joystick) for "hold brakes regular" no longer works for the TBM900. Found this thread and the lua script to workaround the issue - but unsure if a recent X-Plane 11 update impacted this? Any ideas as the TBM documentation states (pg. 22) "If you do not have hardware toe brakes, simply use the button or key to apply the brakes to normal effort. This will apply the toe brakes automatically" ???
  3. Sounds like I'll have to go bug Austin... Appreciate the confirmation.
  4. I just posted basically the same question in the TBM900 Forum. If I just have outside view (CTRL-W) then extra displays do not update. I am not using RealSim Gear, but have 2 separate monitors for the PFD and MFD - so the issue is the same. Just letting you know because the issue is w/ X-Plane and/or HotStart TBM900 and not a RealSim gear problem.
  5. I run a 3 monitor system with main monitor for outside view and 2 smaller monitors - 1 for PFD, 1 for MFD. However, If the outside view is full screen (or full screen w/ HUD) then the G1000 displays do NOT update. Only when I switch back to "regular" 3d cockpit view, do the screen updates resume. Anything obvious that I missed to get around this issue? Thanks! Dave Snyder
  6. Think I have this solved! Dumb user error (and a potential area of improvement on X-Plane) It turns out, that in some of the X-Plane failures sub items, some sensors/electronics were FAIELD. That was saved in my default situation, so it would immediately fail the items on startup causing the errors above. IT would be nice if the failures menu would auto-open (expand) the subcategories that had failures, and also on the top of the failures dialog, show if ANY systems are in failure state. I had to go into each one separately and browse through the list and found a few of the subsystems were failed. How they got in that state to begin with, I have no idea, but that is what happened. I fixed all of the items failed and then re-saved the situation file, and now it works properly each time. Thanks for your help. Hopefully someday, someone else may make the same mistake as me and find the answer here! Take care.
  7. Loaded it back up tonight and back to dead battery. I was certain I let the standby instrument shut down, so I don't think that is the culprit.
  8. Done. I went back into the sim, did a "Fix all Systems" (So that my battery isn't broken), powered up the plane, and did a shut down and then exited X-Plane. I will now leave the sim for the day to see if the battery "breaks" again, and will try again tonight to see what happens. Does it matter that I am exiting the sim before the 4 minutes it takes for the standby horizon/altimeter instrument to power down? For this test, I will make sure that it shuts off before I exit, but am just curious, not sure if I always wait for that. Thanks again.
  9. I can confirm that I didn't add any LUA scripts.
  10. Updated Log Files attached. This is with everything but the mouse disconnected. I had repaired everything and had good battery. Then shutdown and left for a couple of days... But going into the sim, it is dead with the MFD showing engine info red Xs Thanks again for looking at this!! Dave Snyder Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  11. Log Files attached. Will try with joystick disconnected. What is interesting is that from maintenance menu, battery shows good, even battery test shows good. But going into the sim, it is dead with the MFD showing engine info red Xd I will run again w/ joystick disconnected and SimVim disconnected and report back... Thanks again for looking at this!! Dave Snyder Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  12. Sorry for the huge delay... life... I could not find the logfile - assume I have to turn that on somewhere? Please advise. Some additional info. From the maintenance hanger, I checked the battery (and under load as well) and it shows that it is good. However, this is what I get when first power up the plane...
  13. Will do tomorrow - thank you so much for the help!
  14. Ahh. Got it - Fair Question. I do have a home-built G1000/GCU 475, but they are all momentary pushbutton and rotary encoder based. I had this problem since before I built it as well, so don't think it would be related. Other than that, just a joystick. Appreciate the suggestion. Dave
  15. The crash bar is down (and battery switch is off), so not sure what would still have the ability to draw from the battery.
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