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Thanks, I did not know about the apt.dat file, that was the piece of missing info I needed. Looking into this solved an other problem, turns out the Toliss A319 did not had a database problem, it looks if the runway is long enough, if not you can not program the mcdu. I just tried the beta version of gizmo, but It did not solve the gizmo crash. But I leave it like it is for now, before I change things to get worse I am very good at that
Although it is not a problem, I do not like the fact that I can not find the cause (probably because trouble shooting is a big part of my job ) Just a thought, I also have the Hotstart TBM900, this uses Gizmo too. It just is updated and asked if I wanted to upgrade Gizmo to the beta version. Could it be a conflict between 2 Gizmo versions (xplane using the TBM version for the 737) ? An other option, could it be something with the navigation databases, I have a big number of payware planes and some come with a nav database it needs At some point I got a lot of problems with this. I repaired XPlane to get the default one, but some planes did not like that, so I installed the newest I had in custom data. The 737 is fine with that, it seems to know every airport, but f.i the Toliss , Flight Factor and Rotate not. Like in Africa they do not know a lot of airports. But at least they all work for the airports they do know without crashing Xplane or so. I have no subscription and do not fly online so I do not care about not having the latest version, I just want every plane to know all the airports Xplane knows. Do you have tips on how to do that ? There is very little info about this in the xorg forum.
It is normally not as bad as it looks. But thanks to you I found a problem. I have Xorganizer and normally I start that first, choose only plugins I need for the plane or just because I want them, only sceneries I need (and global scenery improvements) and often also only one plane or some type of flying (I have a bunch of preset-profiles). But even fully loaded my FPS is good and everything works fine. But I think I know now what went wrong. I used the wrong profile (for bushflying/heli) But to be sure I now tried my "big tour africa in airliner" profile. Same fault but now no errors in the log file. Only one error and that is the Gizmo error. This is my "minimum" set-up. These are enhancement I will not fly without because they make my Xplane almost as good looking as MSFS2020. (see log.txt ) But to be sure, after that I used my vanilla Xplane profile and only the 737. Still the same problem. (see log2.txt) But again, not a real problem. I can live with that. Log.txt Log2.txt
I just tried it. Spawned, choose preflight: ready to fly (normally I only use cold and dark) , pressed RTE, entered FXMM, pressed pushbutton left of ORIGIN then entered FAWM, pressed the key right from DEST. No response for a couple of seconds and then the same fault message appears. But this time the line numbers are different. They are 2232.192, 2232.199, 2232.200 and 2382.217 The rest is the same. I aborted the flight and included the xplane log file. Maybe that helps. Also info from some other fmc files. No clue if they are useful. But it is not a real problem, I click away the popup and every thing keeps working fine. This is from cycle_info.txt: AIRAC cycle : 2006 Version : 1 Valid (from/to): 21/MAY/2020 - 18/JUN/2020 database.txt: X|2006|21MAY18JUN/20|2005|23APR20MAY/20 fmc_ident.txt [Ident] NavData=AIRAC-1509 OpProgram=AUG20SEP16/15 CoData=NDP-1509 Log.txt
Hi Jan, I just tried through X-aviation but that is still version 1.33. But now I see that In this post from 23 January you talk about the next update so I must learn to read better, Sorry for that. The version I fly is 1.33 and that gives the Gismo crash. The strange thing is that it never did this before. It started just before I opened this topic. I am flying a historic world trip that someone on the org forum made following a French book, I am now in Afrika at leg 87 and it started in an area with very few airports around leg 70 or so, Maybe a hint, here were several airports that my Toliss A319 and FF B767 did not know, while the 737 knew them all. So I fly the 737 the most. I type in the ICAO of the destination in the FMS and nothing happens, then the popup pops-up, I close it and the FMS accepted the input and everything works fine. It happens the most when I type in the destination airport, but yesterday also for the departure airport. It does not happen every flight. I never use the AP so I do not think it is VNAV related, it is all done by manual flying, I do not even use AT. I make a flightplan in littlenavmap, but enter it by hand in the FMS. And I always exit and reboot Xplane if I switch planes.
Thanks Jan, If I understand it right the update is going by mail, any clue when that is going to happen ? Or did the mail got lost on the digital highway ?
Fred737 started following VOR navigation on HSI and gizmo64 crash
Almost every time I want to fill in the destination airport in the FMC I get this screen. The strange thing is that it does not seems to matter. I close it and fly without a single problem. I have not tried the update yet because I do not know how (to lazy to google at this time and the plane works so well that I am a bit afraid to jinx it Thanks to this plane I am completely hooked on flying airliners, I now have a whole bunch (incl Toliss A319, Rotate mad dog, FF767, FJ727 and FJ732 ) But the IXEG is still my favourite airliner. Fred
Thanks, I did not know about the IRS ATT mode. As an EE I thought automatically ATT is attenuation and you need it when you are close to a transmitter but now I learned it stands for Attitude and it turns out an IRS is not a GPS. Very interesting, my main interests in planes is the technical aspect and for most physics and systems. But it is a lot to learn if you only flew GA bushplanes and helicopters without things like route planning (incl weather and fuel) There is a lot of info on the net but because most things are abbreviated it is hard to search and understand if you are new to airliners. I am still practice the bad weather IRF flying and I noticed the plane sometimes during taxi pulls to one side in such a way that I need to use 1 engine, differential brakes and full rudder and full nosewheel tiller only to go straight but often that is not enough. I never had this problem before but also the 727 sometimes reacts this way so it is not the plane. Is this solely caused by cross-wind ? (14 kts crosswind , my heading 55, the wind 300 and I drift to the right) ? It must be this, but a plane is pretty heavy and streamlined, and I would expect the wind to blow the vertical stabiliser to the right, so the plane would pivots to the left . But that could explain why I can turn/pivot left if the speed is zero. On the other hand, real planes fly in much stronger winds.
Sorry, a bit a stupid question. I screwed up major above an amazing bad weather flight above Greenland, Low above snow covered mountains, IFR in a snowstorm, but also in the sun above beautiful cloud formations. Instead of zooming I switched the left IRS to off. I then switched EFI both on 2 and IRS both on R. But now I had no route on the map because I had not programmed the FO's FMS. (could not find a Direct too like in GA GPS). What would a real pilot do: - I can program a fix to the destination point - or type in the whole flightplan in the FO FMS - I know my location because I was flying to a DBN and am now above it. I know the heading to the airfield and so I can hand fly - connect the captains FMS to the right IRS and the EFI back to normal. I did not want to screw this nice trip up, and want to learn to deal the correct way with such a situation. So I pauzed the flight and dived in the books but I can not figure out how to handle this the most realistic.
Strange, the rain effect now works like it should. I made a mistake with the weather-radar tutorial. I started somewhere else much more north and when I was above 5000 ft the raindrops became a lot bigger and looked very much like snow. I really needed the wipers to see something. Very cool. Are there plans (for XP11 ) to add a random faults option to the 737 ? ? I know I can select faults to practice procedures but the thing I like from f.i. the 727 is that random things go wrong, sometimes a lightbulb but last week my gear did not come down because the hydraulic fluid was empty. (to bad I could not find a manual control or an emergency checklist ) This makes it important to really do the checklist. (no fun if you now upfront everything is OK and like new) You talked about Xplane 12, do you know more about that ? I suppose at some moment they will start development but I do not think they implement something as Vulcan and then ditch 11 after a short time for 12. (but maybe they already planned to use Vulcan in 12 and is 11 a sort of unofficial beta trial for 12
Found it, the GTN750 GPS plugin was the problem. I use that only for GA planes so tested this as the last plugin not thinking it would gave problems because I do not use it in the 737. It turns out it is not the plugin itself, but If you open it from the XP plugin menu, it makes a .ini file in the directory of the plane you are flying. It also promotes itself to master-gps. And even if you do not ever use it , as long as the .ini file is there, it stays master. I have not tried it for the 737 but you can disable the master status in the GTN menu and still use it as a slave, I do that in some GA planes. So maybe an option if you want to use in the 737 as a tablet. By the way, now librain is not working, the rain effect of the 737 is not bad but I had never noticed it before because it seems to be only active if I zoom in a little or look from an angle. Not an ideal position during flight (but moving closer does not activate it). It could use some higher drop density (maybe add some layers over each other ) but it looks pretty realistic. It could be a nice base for a librain replacement. The only thing I really miss in Vulcan.
Thanks Jan for always answering so fast. If you had more planes I would buy them :-) I just tried it, yesterday evening I had to much fun trying to fly your weather radar tutorial flight (I lost my way and flew into the ground but I really enjoyed it) So I now just tried it with all custom scenery, plugins and other aircraft switched off, (except lua) and now it works fine, so it must be some conflict between plugins or so. Next step finding the guilty one, not hard but a bit time consuming.
Solved the sound, if I move all XP sliders to zero all your sliders work fine. A big improvement, the "irritating" high amplitude hiss turned out to be the AC and now I can turn it down a bit. The VOR problem is still a problem. I started the plane as "ready to fly" just to be sure, If I then set everything up like you the result is the same but the problem is that if I turn the course on the MCP on the FO side the magenta bar in the FO HSI moves out of the centre like it should do. If I do that on the captain site, nothing happens, the magenta bar does not move and always keeps aligned with the crossbar. I think I know more or less how to use it because I navigate like this in the FlyJsim 727 and most times I do arrive at the planned airport. The 2 needles in the DME meter do point in the correct position. If I change the radio frequency the DME meter needle position changes but nothing happens on the HSI, crossbar and magenta bar do not react. So I think my radio is not switching over, I can repair a real one but not a virtual one Maybe some plugin problem, tonight I will try it with everything switched off (very easy thanks to Xorganizer) I do not have a navigraph subscription so I use the default database AIRAC 1509 acording to the FMS in the 737 (on some planes 1702 and 1707 because those came with the planes. I included the log file from the test, maybe you see something strange. The plane behaves for the rest always very nice. I reboot XP when I change planes. I have several studylevel planes and rebooting XP solves a lot of problems. Log.txt
3 things: 1) Practicing oldschool VOR navigation, I found a problem. If I switch the HSI to VOR/ILS I only get it to work for the captain if I set the EFI switch to "both on 2" , In the "normal" position only the FO HSI works like it should , in "both on 1" none of them work like they should, In "normal" The captains HSI pointer does work but states "from" (when it should be to) when the FO's states "to" and the magenta "bar" in the pilots HSI always stays aligned, while the FO's bar moves lateral like it should. I must be doing something wrong but no clue what. I had both nav radios on the same frequency and HSI switches the same. In most planes I have a nav/gps switch but I can not find one here. The answer is maybe somewhere in the tutorials but I can not find it. The HSI VOR function does work in the MAP mode so the radio part must be set up correct. 2) I have bought Trafic Global, this has the XP11.41 TCAS function. As far as I know this is shows other planes on the weather or terrain radar (or both) This is from the manual: Some aircraft, and some external tools, provide a TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) feature. Traffic Global supports this feature for both X-Plane 11.41 and 11.50, which use very different methods to achieve this. The TCAS option is available in the “Settings” dialog and does not require X-Plane to be restarted. Does this work on the 737 ? If so, how ? 3) Found a "bug" The master volume slider in the bump menu controls only the aircraft exterior, aircraft interior and environmental sliders from Xplane's own sound menu. Not the master slider (that also does no longer work if the 737 is loaded) The cockpit sound volume slider does exact the same thing as the bump-menu master slider. (regulate those 3 sliders) and the airco slider seems top do nothing. (regarding xplanes own sliders) Besides that, if I move the cockpit volume down, and then the airco too, the cockpit slider goes to max, but not always and sometimes it works just the way around moving the airco slider opposite from the cockpit sound slider. Could this be, like the views menu, a XP10 Heritage ? Fred
Update: the fuelmeter, could it be this lines in the afc file ? Test mode at 0 ? GROUP Fuel gauge 3 SHOW_LESS 2.000000 [0] SHOW_EQUAL 0.000000 [0] SHOW_GREATER 0.000000 ixeg/733/fuel/fuel_test_mode[0] I opened the AFC in notepad to set experimental to 1 (faster as using planemaker) and then noticed this