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Everything posted by dmvega81

  1. Thank Goran for the quick response, but I run X-Plane in windowed mode because for an unknown reason I get better FPS windowed, so I use it that way. I can fly the aircraft in OpenGL without problems, and I really liked, I tested in two flights and I think this one will be my favorite, I hope I can use it with Vulkan because FPS drops to half using OpenGL thanks
  2. I deactivated Vulkan and it worked great, but FPS drop to half using OpenGL. I tried againg using Vulkan but I see something is wrong because the left menu start to flicker and then X-Plane stops. I sent the log in my previus post. thanks.
  3. I have not tried that option, let me test it and I will get back to you, but I have been using Vulkan since B17 and XP has been working great on my system.
  4. Hello, I bought the plane couple of days ago but I have same issue, after a few minutes I load the airplane X-Plane crashes. I am using AMD (CPU and GPU) + Vulkan + Win10. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
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