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Everything posted by Manni67

  1. Hi Tony, I just tried your alpha 4 in Germany and I must say I am deeply impressed! It is a huge improvement over previous OSM-based sceneries. One wish: I love the power lines but I prefer streets and railroads to be rendered by photo scenery. Thus, is it possible to included options so that we can differentiate whether we actually want roads and/or power lines and/or railways ... ? Many thanks for that great work! Kind regards, Manni
  2. What is being owed is the truth. To be honest, I once was looking forward getting the product. Today, I feel insulted because of being fooled.
  3. 100 % agree here. "Overcast" is visually broken since b6. What is the point with developing a system allowing for a 100 NM visibility with different cloud settings and then tweaking all the features away ...
  4. I am really looking forward to this release. Credit card is ready. I highly appreciate your efforts here. Better to redo a project than to rush it out not having achieved the quality that might have been possible! Manni
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