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PilotFidi last won the day on December 29 2024

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  1. Be warned. Like I mentioned here, and in the installation guide, this mod is only a visual mod. It does not reduce drag in the simulator.
  2. Im not sure about that one... Ive never expierenced that.. If I were you I would contact Laminar and report it, and see what they reply.
  3. Not yet, should be up later today
  4. Oh! I thought I fixed this.. Ill take a look! Thanks for the headsup!
  5. Version 1.0.1


    This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, based on SP-DLV a Citation 525 owned by Bartolini Air. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the SP-DLV 1.0.0.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy!
  6. View File SP-DLV TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, based on SP-DLV a Citation 525 owned by Bartolini Air. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the SP-DLV 1.0.0.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy! Submitter PilotFidi Submitted 12/29/2024 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-torquesim-citationjet-525-p-222  
  7. Version 1.0.1


    Welcome to the Tamarack Active Winglet mod for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525! The real winglet makes the Citation up to 33% more fuel efficient by reducing drag and turbulence. However this mod is purely visual for the time being. To install just follow the installation guide provided in the Zip file. Enjoy!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, based on YU-SCJ a Citation 525 owned by Prince Aviation. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the YU-SCJ 1.0.0.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy!
  9. View File YU-SCJ TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, based on YU-SCJ a Citation 525 owned by Prince Aviation. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the YU-SCJ 1.0.0.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy! Submitter PilotFidi Submitted 12/26/2024 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.ph  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, inspired by N1KD a Citation XLS owned by Duncan Aviation. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the N1KD.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy!
  11. View File N1KD TorqueSim CitationJet 525 This is a livery for the TorqueSim CitationJet 525, inspired by N1KD a Citation XLS owned by Duncan Aviation. The Registration is baked, so its not possible to change the registration. To install simple extract the N1KD.zip into the "liveries" folder. Enjoy! Submitter PilotFidi Submitted 12/25/2024 Category Take Command! CitationJet 525 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-torquesim-citationjet-525-p-222  
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