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Everything posted by destefanibr

  1. It happen on the first flight , and I needed to put it in HDG to perform the flight , the second on ILS I had use it in CDI ILS LOC mode and until 3nm from thsld ok, after that the acft turn left and lost the loc/gs on the short final, I'll perform the same procedure to know what happen again. tks
  2. On ILS around 3nm from the threshold the acft turn to the left and deviated from the procedure . Log.txt
  3. I just bought one TorqueSim BN-2T Turbine Islander and its not compatible with GTN750, in NAV mode did not follows the track. Log.txt
  4. Ok now , thanks for help me !!!!!!!
  5. ok Goran
  6. its freezing and doesnt work
  7. its a problem and crash my xplane11
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