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  1. Indeed that works, thanks! Attached is the log file in case it helps debug the issue. Log.txt
  2. I have done a second trial, and the same issue remains. Included pictures from the flight deck and a second log file. The FD modes are HDG and ALT ( AP ENG lit on the EADI) but the aircraft remains climbing and tilting to the right while the heading bug is to the left.
  3. I'm trying to learn all the quirks of this model. On my flight today from 07FA to KSGJ, I couldn't for the life of me get the AP to engage even though all seemed in order with regard to Vert Gyro in Norm and Pedestal control centered. The AP light would remain green, the EADI would show AP ENG, but the aircraft would not respond to the AP inputs (heading, VS, or IAS). It was like the servos were not enabled. After 50 minutes of trying to correct the failure on air, I decided to divert to KMLB and call it a day. Attached is the log file in case it helps diagnose (not sure if related but there was an interesting message in there at "2024-12-28 11:39:44 CJ525[honeywell_autopilot.cpp:233]: VG: No Servos when in VG1 invalid". Not sure if this message got in there while I was trying to debug and triggered the breakers mid-flight. What could drive this behavior? The circuit breakers for VG1 and VG2 were pushed in. Thanks! ps. tried again, same results, must be something I am overseeing. Log.txt Log.txt
  4. That was it, all back in order!
  5. Hi there, The Citation 525 is a great product, I have been using it for a couple of days and have been pleasesd with it. This morning I started with it cold and dark, but I cannot get the ATT FAIL message to clear. I have double checked the fuses, tried the AC Inv 1 and AC Inv 2. I have read the manual, tried to "fix all systems", re-downloaded the plane. still have this issue. This came up after an X-plane CTD mid-flight yesterday. Log file included. What am I doing wrong? TIA! Log.txt
  6. Thanks Cooper, that fixed it. Replaced the Gizmo with the latest stable version and everything is back to normal, now on 11.50 b17 recently released.
  7. Thanks Cameron for pointing me to this forum. Great product you guys have made available. I am testing this M20 update on the Ovation II with X-Plane 11.50 b16 and noticed the following issues: the pop-up "settings" windows to configure weight load, options, etc open up but have no content, are completely blank The passengers are always on, even when in x-plane's "w" view mode, pretty much you are looking out from inside the pilot's head. some cockpit components do not visually turn "on" such as transponder / bendix / chronograph many of the "afm/m20r/" cockpit dataref commands such as for nav lights / beacon / strobe, etc do not work on external view, looking at the aircraft, if you turn off the engine (i.e. cut off gas, turn key to off position, etc), sound still continues as if engine was still running but prop stops. Has anyone noticed this with b16?
  8. I agree, I'm glad it was updated for Vulkan!
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