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Everything posted by copa78

  1. Hi Today on X-plane 11 During a flight on day time, I got for few secons a getting dark display and after few seconds a full black screen (normal view), the chase vue and other vues were OK Regards GizmoLog.txt Cycle Dump.txt Data.txt Log.txt
  2. Atatched the log files for XP 11.5 Vulkan It is not easy to start and stop the engine without working levers on the quandrant Log.txt Cycle Dump.txt
  3. Log.txt Cycle Dump.txt
  4. Hi, Thanks, On XP11 I upgraded XPS, now its flying and the graphics are perfect.So But the Fuel control and Prop lever are not moving when moving them on the CH quadrant, but F12 and F5 anf F6 are moving the Fuel control lever. So I need the mouse ! HAve you any idea how to fix it ? Log.txt Cycle Dump.txt
  5. Hi Attached log file for Xplane 11 Log.txt GizmoLog.txt Cycle Dump.txt
  6. Yes I do have UWXP but I installed pocket rocket After the last update
  7. Hi all, I just bought and installed Pocket Rocket v1.1.1 on X-Plane 11 and X-PLANE 11-15. I activated it on both environment. Both environment are doing well with other planes. I am using CHPRODUCT Pedal and yoke. The pedals are working, all buttons on the yoke also but not the levers (throttle quadrant).. I discovered I can see the pedals moving as well the trim wheel, but not the flap button or other buttons. I can hear the flap moving, I see them outside, but the lever is not moving. So I cantt fly
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