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  1. With such claim, could you try to be more specific? In what way does the plane act like a Cessna? Can you shoot an approach at 60 knots? Climb performance? Control responsiveness? Inertia? And what were the handling qualities before v1.21 that are now missing? To be honest I still havent got the time to try the latest version, but I find it hard to believe that they would have already created perfect flight dynamics for the plane in the past, but then suddenly decided to downgrade it. What would be the point in that?
  2. Would indeed be great to have VR support! The precise 3D modeling of the cockpit really shines in VR, and now with Vulkan, VR is very usable in XP11.
  3. Great to read these comments!
  4. Jan, That is great to hear! So far the only simulation I’m aware of, available for home and desktop users that does this is the Aerowinx PSX, which is also a FAA approved sim, so it’s in it’s own price league as well. But it does model the effect extremely well, among other things. This was one of the things that made me realize how differently the real 747 flies compared to, for instance the PMDG one that uses the old FSX legacy flight model. I’ve always liked your flight model and it’s certainly one of the best out there. It’s exciting to hear it has gotten even better with the update. Perhaps in the future you can also try to see if this effect could be amplified to match it even more closely with the real thing? In any case, looking forward to try the update, and of course any future projects from your team!
  5. Hello, Very excited to see a long awaited update for XP11 being released! Unfortunately I am unable to try it yet, but I am curious if the change in thrust will make the nose drop or raise, like it does in real aircraft with engines mounted under the wings? This effect can be quite significant in some situations and you really need to take this into account while flying. This is a feature almost no desktop sim flight models have, but I saw a thread in another forum claiming that IXEG has this feature modeled. Is this true?
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