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Great philosophy.. "It's not happening to me so it must not be happening at all."
I just said.. maybe 4 times now. The trim issue. Very simple question.. Why is is auto shooting up to 10? How to stop this? Like everyone else here I too bought this plane and should be allowed to ask some simple genuine questions with this problem. I did not expect "good luck with it.."
Good morning Jan.. Not sure why you would say such a thing. I was just happy that after 11 hours messing with this thing at least I managed to get it on the ground in one piece at last. What's wrong with being pleased about that? As regards all the comments and criticisms about me using the autopilot wrongly I was only trying what you yourself taught in your own video tutorial on N1 take off climb. No F/Ds, no FMC plan and set up, no this and no that.. You just use the auto-throttle, set the N1 for take off and nothing else. I was following that in an attempt to isolate the issues. Yet when I do so I receive a constant barage for doing so.. even from you. And yes tried the same tutorial in multiple planes, the IXEG and also the default 737 again to try to isolate the problem to see if it's a specific plane issue or if it's a general X-PLANE issue on my computer.. The main issues still remains and is being ignored.. the trim problem. Why is the trim in the plane when set between 3 to 4 for take off winding itself up to 10+ with no input from me whatsoever and at simple level flight at normal and even slow speed? This seems to be what is causing these issues disabling the autopilot non stop. I have posted clips of this happening and asked how to stop or rectify this yet can not get any response from anyone. It's just being side stepped and ignored for some reason. Again I am trying to find out if it's a problem in your plane or an X-plane issue. It seems I am not the only one with this issue. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/123625-autopilot-keeps-failing/
I am afraid your mistaken.. Jan has autopilot video tutorials on this very thing and in them he just uses the auto-throttle, sets the N1 for take off and nothing else. I was following that. I tried the same tutorial in multiple planes, the IXEG and also the default 737 again to try to isolate the problem to see if it's a specific plane issue or if it's a general X-PLANE issue on my computer..
Jan.. You will be please to know I am paying attention.. after following your first flight tutorial one time and despite all the issues faced above I was able to fly manually 650 miles form London to Prague with no flight plan at night in the rain, find an airport and land the plane with all visual approach with my keyboard and a finger on the trackpad. At least that's one positive thing for me this day..
All of the above is just simply trying to hold altitude and heading and only manageable if I watch it like a hawk if I enable the flight directors, auto throttle and engage the FMC and LNAV things get really crazy and I will not be able to regain any control at whatsoever.. If I can stop whatever is causing this trim to wind itself up to maximum I think all problems will be solved.
I'm sure this trim would go right up to 15 if I was not there to stop it.. this is me winding it down.. soon as I release it shoots up again. yoke 2.mp4
The first thing is the trim I just mentioned... it goes from zero to 10 every by itself rapidly and disables the autopilot... I have been watching it for the last hour and have to rotate it back to zero manually each sometimes every few seconds as it disables the autopilot. If I don't stay in the cockpit doing this non stop the plane will turn off course and dive.. I must have done this 40 times in the last hour of flight.. the only reason plane is able to fly is because I'm sitting here resetting it on stop. I don't have any hardware assigned to auto trim.. I have just keyboard and mouse.. It's a little difficult to film as I'm doing it holding my phone in my left hand while trying to fly with my right... below you can see just how fast this repetitive this disabling is taking place. It seems to be triggered by the yoke yanking back.. which is odd as I have not touched the yoke since taking off an hour ago.. but you can see it in the 1st clip below. yoke 1.mp4
This.. https://leehamnews.com/2018/11/14/boeings-automatic-trim-for-the-737-max-was-not-disclosed-to-the-pilots/
That could explain why the autopilot keeps disabling itself after about a short while into every flight.. after the initial 3 to 4 for take off the trim keeps increasing all the way up to 10 which kills the autopilot. But does not explain the throttle maxing out by itself and being impossible to reduce.. How can one disable this auto trim increase? because until I can these planes are no flyable for me.
Hi Jan.. just tried the exact same flight with the default 737 in X-Plane... same identical issues with the autopilot. It seems to be happening with every jet that has this type of autopilot and an FMC. Or... I have been at this since 7am this morning.. (11 hours straight) scouring the internet forums for possible solutions. and my brain is reaching saturation point.. But I did just come across this, it could all be down to trim. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/123625-autopilot-keeps-failing/
Look at this one.. I completely quit that last attempted flight and started a whole new flight in a different part of the world and even a different time zone.. Chose Baghdad International airport.. selected a new IXEG-737 and yet instead of it giving me a fresh and ready to fly plane it gives me the previous one with all the alerts and alarms flashing.. alarm.mp4
Yes.. I have been flying with just a mouse and keyboard in FSX and X-Plane for 20 years give or take a few breaks. I remember to unhook the mouse from this square leaving the plane in a stable condition before trying to do anything else. The problem is not engaging the autopilot.. it's disengaging it. Ok so I deleted uninstalled the entire IXEG 737.. removed all the plugins except terrain radar and AviTab. Downloaded a fresh copy and installed it with all liveries. Rebooted computer (Imac) Started up X-Plane and placed the IXEG-737 started up on a runway at Gatwick. So far so good.. I created a flight-plan but did not follow it as I wanted to follow your simple first flight video with a manual circuit of the airport and test the autopilot. I climb manually to 10,000 feet at runway heading.. I then enable the autopilot to hold this heading and altitude at a speed of 240.. all good. That's when strange things start happening.. instead of this speed being held the throttle just increases and the plane accelerates... all the way up to 350, I can't stop it. As it over speeds all the alarms and bells go off and up the nose goes up.. I try to hit the speed button too off so I can control thrust manually.. that does not work.. plane now at 90% throttle.. I switch off every control the autopilot including both flight director switches.. still cant gain control. I hit the DISENGAGE switch.. still no good as it flips itself back on again as if spring loaded.. Mouse control and steering is nigh on impossible now as plane is tipping nose up at now 390.. while at the same time the plane dropped to 4,000 feet.. At this point I just give up. As I tried to say before I bought the 737 three days ago.. Iv'e been flying with day and nigh non stop.. Iv'e been following your videos in order one at a time. The only small issues I had was realising that you have to refuel with the Ground Services and not in X-Planes system.. and the issue of converting ,fms files into ,fpl files and getting them into the FMC. Apart from that I have had all successful operations in this plane with each of your tutorials..take off, landings, navigation, FMC input..and even the autopilot was a dream.. I have used it to fly from Milan to Kabul in Afghanistan in 4 complete sections averaging 3 to 4 hour flights..all good except a few times running out of fuel.. i have clocked up about 12,000 miles in this plane.. Until I did the update this morning.. now I can barely fly in a straight line for more than 5 minutes. Where do I find the log file? disengage.mp4
Thank you very much Jan and Tkyler for your comments and help.. I did back out as to almost the cabin door and still no control square.. I then jumped outside to rear tail view and still not there. I'll do as you suggest and clear all plugins of which there's just the Gizmo64, GroundHandling, Goodway, Xchecklist, Aitab, Better Pushback and Terrain Radar.. And then do a full removal and clean reinstall.. I already chose the "stable" gizmo version but will do the whole process again to eliminate any possible conflicts.. Thank you for your time.. and patience.