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Posts posted by hobofat

  1. Visual appearances and lack of 3D cockpit aside....that's been beaten to death in the rant section thread.


    How is the experience compared to Peter Hager's A320 and JARDesign's A320? I'm not a real pilot, but I like to follow all the check-lists and pretend to be one, learn something along the way. I like to think that what's going on in the sim is a reasonable approximation to what would be happening in real life.


    Just trying to get a better feel before plopping down money.

  2. What are the keyboard commands


    Go to the settings menu and click on Joystick and Equipment page. There are a few tabs for you to look at, but I recommend the Keys: Advanced tab. Basically you just push a key or a button on your joystick and can then assign it to any command you want. I think you'll find it easier to customize your commands than FSX (I do) and going through the pain of getting everything to your liking is well worth it.


    If you just want a list of default command, check out the Keys tab, it will show what is assigned to what key on the keyboard. But you kind of have to browse through it all to find what you're looking for.

  3. Japan is badly underrepresented in the X-Plane world!


    A shame really because the X-Plane scenery really captures the non-urban Japanese scenery very well (80% of Japan is forested mountain terrain, which is a strong point in X-Plane scenery, imho). But hopefully this will all change soon! The uniformity of Japanese airports makes for fairly quick building in WED.

  4. More likely Steam will be the thing that sustains third party developer interest. The customer count at the moment is critically low.


    One can definitely hope. It's just like me to throw time and money into a hobby that totters along the brink of disaster. I'm off to go throw more time into some lego-brick airports, as that seems to be the other large user complaint, empty default airports.

  5. So Rise of Flight steam edition is incompatible with regular RoF add-ons, the biggest thing being you can't take advantage of their awesome 50% off sales, or buy just one add-on. Steam edition seems to bundle everything. Based on Train Simulator model I see on Steam they are probably going to make 3rd party add-ons only available as official DLC, which will kill the whole thing. I guess after plopping down all that money for the rights they have to recoup it somehow.


    Oh yes, now I'm seeing a trend here: "Former EA executives Rob O’Farrell and Chris Roberts are leading the development of Dovetail Games Fishing. - See more at: http://www.dovetailgames.com/news/2014/jul/1/dovetail-games-announce-a-new-breed-of-fishing-simulator#sthash.D7KtUciE.dpuf"


     What could possibly go wrong with input from EA thinkers!

  6. I'm sorry, I hope I didn't cause you too much emotional grief because I made one post asking about his screenshots.


    I'm pretty sure It wasn't the asking, it was including his screenshots in your quote, which means twice the data download. You can quote his post (so he gets the notification) but not include the screenshots themselves.

  7. You'll be disappointed, they have confirmed they won't migrate any of their legacy products. Maybe the 747 V2 could be in the works though.


    Which makes me wonder if they're not doing the DC-6 for both XPX and FSX, since it sounded like they were going for release awhile ago. That would be fantastic. But man, 747-400 would be wicked awesome too!

  8. Hopefully this thread can serve to educate others who might contemplate any form of piracy, redistribution or theft of intellectual property.  It appears Archie has come to understand the X-Plane community is a lot smaller and tighter than he may have realized.  If you don't want to get kicked out of the pool, it's best not to pee in it.


    The right choice was made based on the good advice provided in the thread, including an apology. The holier than thou attitude displayed here is really unnecessary.

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