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Posts posted by hobofat

  1. I made a livery for Lufthansa Regional ( http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=7666 ), although they don't have those in their fleet.

    Would be cool if you could (X-Avition) release a "blank" version of the aircraft, only with the windowse and rivets, so repainting is easier.

    I had to search a long time for an livery that was almost white, so i could do the painting.

    The layered paintkit included with the package allows you to do this.  I personally use The Gimp (freeware open-source paint program) for my repainting, as it provides all the functions necessary to work with layered paints.

  2. Greetings,

    Just curious if there is a collection (or growing collection) of MU-2 repaints already done--and perhaps what would be the best place to check for items of this type.  I see a huge number of interesting liveries at airliners.net, I'm sure I'll be painting a few of them but would like to know what has or hasn't been done yet.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Thanks for linking to this document.  I am completely new to 3d modeling (though I was pretty good in my drafting class in high school a long long time ago), but alas the plane I wish to fly has never been built for X-Plane.  It exists in MSFS, but not to my standards.  So that means I must learn to make it myself!  I've been working through this tutorial and it's extremely good.  I don't quite always know what I'm doing, but the instructions are easy enough to follow and I can see the results of the actions I take.  Blender is much easier to use than GMAX, and this guide is quite handy for newbies like myself.

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  4. This will be my first payware model for X-Plane when it is released :)  Question: Do you mind personal repaints?  I find a lot of X-Plane modelers do not allow repainting of their models for some reason.  I just like having my own custom liveries.  Looking forward to seeing more and more of your work in the future!

  5. Wow, I'm really excited that are you doing this plane.  My biggest complaint with FSX (I use all flight simulators) is that it does not have a SeaMax...but now XP9 will have an awesome one  ;D  I will look forward to purchasing this plane when it is complete!


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