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Posts posted by hobofat

  1. Lets face it, the CRJ is dead! 

    Like so many products that "fail to launch" its always because of the "weak-link" in the development chain.   Verbal contracts, only as good as the paper they're written on.

    I haven't seen this much drama since the last time Desperate Housewives was on tv  ::)  You could always go fly that "other" simulator, you know, the one with "PMDG-quality" products.  I'm not sure I see the utility in getting your knickers in a knot over a digital model--the CRJ will come in due course.

  2. As it stands now, Reno is higher res than that package, but perhaps there is something more to it that will make it live up to the words of marketing. :P

    I was involved for quite some time in the creation of a photoscenery package for FSX (still unreleased), and we were also working on it for X-Plane as well.  I had to pull out of the project due to real world circumstances that had (much) higher priority. 

    Anyway, with the amount of coverage the UK (rather, England/Wales) photoscenery offers it's hard to imagine a higher than 1m resolution.  We were working on a 30cm/px resolution for the FSX scenery, but had to scale it back to 1m/pixel for X-Plane for two reasons: 1) file size.  FSX compresses textures into a propietary format so compiled sceneries are quite a bit smaller than the pile of .DDS files an X-Plane photoscenery has.  2) Legal restrictions: our aerial photography supplier would not allow us to use the higher res for X-Plane since the texture files remain editable by the user.  FSX once again had the advantage of rendering the photoscenery uneditable.  They were however fine with us doing a 1m/pixel resolution, as the difference is quite noticeable.

    Sidenote for the ultra-sensitive: this is not a "better than/worse than" thread, just my offering of a possible reason for the 1m/pixel resolution on the product we're talking about.

  3. I LOVE 2D cockpits.  Only recently, because of the Sundowner, have I started flying with 3D.  I am still mostly in 2D mode.  I sure hope you developer/designer guys keep doing 2D as well as making 3D easier to use.

    Bit of a sidetrack here, and apologies for bringing up the "other" sim.  I absolutely hated 2D panels, getting into flight sim only after FSX was released.  But then I purchased Digital Aviation's Fokker 70/100 and the 2D panel was sooooo well done, it quickly became my favorite tube to fly.  The panel was immersive (a word I would hardly ever use with 2D panels) and well-designed for flow so busy situations were easily handled as far as calling up the necessary panels and such.  It's crisp and super legible, something I am having a hard time finding in most 2D panels.  They put a lot of development hours into the panel.  Long story short: a well-designed, visually-appealing 2D panel can be extremely immersive and fun to fly--even for an avid 3D pit fan like myself.

    The x737 seems awesome, I just can't get used to the panel.

  4. Thanks a lot Kesomir +1, that is the kind of info I was looking for.


    I was a former VPA member who left the group because I was studying for my bar exam and couldn't maintain the one flight every 60 days requirement for membership.  Sad, I know!  But it's a fantastic group and the guy who put it all together is an avid X-Plane user.  Wait out the queue for awhile, it may take a couple months but joining it is worth it.  Additionally, being a member doesn't stop you from joining any other VAs as well, so in the meantime if you like other options feel free to sign up for those as well.

  5. Just took a flight on a Japan Airlines 747-400 from Honolulu to Tokyo Narita.  Besides the awesome service, nice plane (small seats though) and free booze, the wheel cam was turned on the entire flight!  Was able to watch the entire approach, all the last second adjustments to line up, and perfect center-line landing.  Kind of neat in that it validates what I've been doing in flight simulator all these years!

    Did I mention economy class cabin had individual monitor screens with a choice of 12 different movies to watch at any time?  I'll buy American on some things, but when it comes to flying...

  6. Not a surprise, you already said this area would be included in NorCal.

    You can't take away from my achievement in identifying the right area darn you! I've never even been to Reno! Alright alright, so all it took was booting up google earth to confirm my suspicions but still...

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