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  1. Isn't working for me this one....
  2. I just bought today the TBM900 and I'm also experiencing stuttering; mostly on ground than on air. I tried to add a really bad weather situation and stuttering on ground were big enough that I got minimally motion-sick (i'm quite sensible to that). On air was quite noticeable but not as bad as on ground. I have a i7 7700k, 16GB RAM DDR4 3200MHz and a GTX 1080ti (all three things OCd) and XPlane 11 is running on a bought copy (11.41) and on fullscreen. For example, in a default african airport I was parked at the ramp at 62FPS with drops at 58FPS by miliseconds (stutters) Is there any thing that I could make to help you guys solve this? Do you think that it will improve on Vulkan release? And don't get me wrong, I am really enjoying the plane. I have tons of bought airplanes, and this is the best one BY FAR. We just need to get rid of those stutters :D
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