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Everything posted by dpais

  1. I have waited for two weeks. I can wait a little longer
  2. Dear Cameron, I am having the same problem. I filed a support ticket (Ticket #3CC5T) on September 21st requesting download reset of the SAAB 340 and I have not received a reply yet. My SAAB order number is 12517. Thanking you in advance for your help Diogo
  3. Will The NVidia GTX970 work in Windows 7 and DirectX 11?
  4. Thanks. Regarding SASL, actually I am running the latest version of the Carenado F33. I have tried several planes and the problem persists. I have uninstalled EFASS and the awkward behaviour is still there. I decided to uninstall SP v3 and re-install v2.1 for the time being. It is running fine again. I do agree with you that I have a very weak Graphics card. I need to get a new one and am hesitant about the model: Radeon ATI or GeForce GTX? 2 Gb or 4 Gb?
  5. Hi I have just purchased and installed SP v3, coming from v2.1. I am now getting a SP window telling me the video card is dangerously low on resources and after a while, x-plane crashes. By the way, everything worked fine with v 2.1. Can you help? Best Diogo Log.txt
  6. Hi Cameron. Nice work. Thanks. I may be doing something wrong but when I retract the wheels in the Floats version, only the front right wheel retracts. The other three wheels stay down. Can you help? Diogo Win 7 - XP 10.25, 32 and 64 bits
  7. NORCAL is currently going through an overhaul to bring it up to the same standard and implemented techniques as Oahu and Reno. Is there a prediction for release date of NorCal or is it too early to tell? Could anybody answer my question? Is there a prediction date for the release of NorCal? Thanks
  8. NORCAL is currently going through an overhaul to bring it up to the same standard and implemented techniques as Oahu and Reno. Is there a prediction for release date of NorCal or is it too early to tell?
  9. Thanks Eric. I am new to X-Plane - I have been a MSFS flyer for many years but am now trying the X-Plane platform. As you suggested, I will turn the 3D objects off and see how it looks. Best Diogo
  10. I have purchased and installed the Washington State Scenery. I am running X-Plane (version 9.30b12) under Win Vista 32 and the scenery is fine except for the large roads that are incomplete and flicker. Is there anything that can be done?
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